6~ Shiro / Lance x Reader

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Okay okay I know I haven't written anything in a while. I'm am sorry, my boyfriend needs attention and school need attention and I need to give myself attention and now, I'll give you guys attention. And no I don't have a plan for this one but oh well.

~~~~~In the middle ~~~~~


Just another day with the paladins. Nothing special or exciting has happened all week and I was getting salty. I needed some drama! Some romance! But like...how?

So Me, Pidge and Allura go to my room for some girl time, we all grabbed our blankets and pillows and made a huge fort in Allura room. We hung Christmas lights and set up a tv in there. We had on pajamas and we made hunk make us a bunch of junk food.

We talked about random things like which paladin would you rather either fuck, marry, or kill and we all exposed ourselves.

"So...PIDGE!" I point at her. Allura giggles as she looked over at Pidge, who poured. "Why me first?!" She whined, knowing there was no getting out of it.
"Oh ahead babe, spill it!" I tell her, hugging my pillow and stuffing food in my mouth. "Okay okay....I would fuck....Lance I guess...ew" she pretended to barf as she said it. "I would marry Shiro....and I guess Keith will just have to die..." She shrugged, "Eouch" Allura says as Pidge looked at the both of us and picked. "Alright Y/N! Your turn!!" I sigh and smirk a bit. "Hm...I would fuck ______, Marry ______, and Kill ______" I said, having not regrets. "Damn Y/n, that was pretty fast." Pidge said suspiciously, I smile and shrug. "Alright Allura, your turn!" I said happily. "Oh...well...I would have to marry Shiro....and I would....fuck Keith and Kill Lance..." she said, me and Pidge "ooooooed" her answer. We all laughed and the night went on. We watched a movie the girls asked me a really sudden question.

"So, y/n, have you been crushing in anyone lately?"

I hesitated for a moment. Pidge raised her eyebrow and smirked at me like she knew something was up.

"I think she does~. Come on y/n you can tell us, we promise we won't tell any of the guys." Pidge said as Allura smiled and moved closer to hear my reply.

"Yes, please tell us, I won't tell. It's just a secret between us girls." They sat there and begged me to tell them.  But how do you explain that you like more than on person??

"Okay okay...it's kind of complicated. I just can't seem to choose between Shiro or Lance. They are both tall and handsome." as I explained to them my face kept getting hotter and hotter.

"I...I really don't know...I was hoping to ask you guys for any advice but I'm not sure even you guys can help."

Both of them were quite shocked. Allura placed her hand on my shoulder and smiled. "Get to know each one separately and over time you will start to know who you are really meant to be with. Don't get so frustrated okay?"

Pidge nodded and and smiled. I'm not sure about the "plan" but I guess I'll try it. If it means that I'll get one of them.

~~~🌛Three days later🌜~~~

So far I've gotten to hang out with Lance and Shiro more often. I think Allura was right, maybe this is the path that I really should be taking.

"So, y/n?" Shiro walked up to me while I was headed to my dorm to take a shower.

"Hm?" I turned and looked up at him. He was a lot taller than me, I've never noticed until now I how short I was compared to him.

"I was wondering if you would maybe like to take a ride with me in the black lion for a while, you know, only me and you tomorrow maybe?" I blushed softly as I looked up at him.

"I would love to."
My heart was pounding. I was going to be alone with him, how am I going to handle being with him alone!? Those abs, thighs, biceps, that ass! It was like he was carved by the gods.

"Now if you don't really mind." he looked into my e/c eyes and I look straight into his.

"Yeah of course," I smiled happily and he smiled back. Something about his smile sent shivers down my spine and made my knees weak.

As I made my way to my room, I heard footsteps in front of me. Then Lance came walking from round the corner.

"Oh what's up y/n? Headed to your room?" he raised his eye brow and looked me in the eyes. I looked back into his and glanced away quickly.

"Oh, yeah. Why?" I asked looking at his a bit puzzled. "I dunno, I'm just walking around. I'm pretty board..." he said. I have to take this chance to ask him out, I need to get to know the both of them. Okay...just ask him...

"I just wanted to ask if I can hang out with you tonight, you know, I was a bit busy today training and stuff and I couldn't get you off my mind."


And this is where it leads into the path you can choose.

There will be two different parts depending on who you want to be with.

You can read both or neither I don't really care, just as long as y'all are with the man of your dreams.

See ya in part two or whatever.

BYE MY  PALADUDES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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