🍋13~ Matt x Reader LEMON!!🍋

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Thank you so much to @leosloser for requesting this!


"Babe...Babe...wake up, you're on top of me again..." Matt groaned while I slowly woke up and rubbed my eyes. "Mmn, but you're so warrrrmmmmm." I also groaned and I wrapped my arms and legs around him. "Fine, only like...ten more minutes." He said, letting my hair softly.

So ten minutes went by and he picked me up and walked over to the dresser and set me on top of it. "Get dressed so we can go get breakfast okay baby?~" he kissed my cheek and walked out. "Hmm...what are we doing today?" I put on my normal clothes and walk out of our room and down to the dinning room where hunk cooked us a delicious breakfast as usual.

"Morning everybody..." I say as I take a seat next to Matt. Everybody said good morning and was served breakfast. "Are we doing anything today?" I ask looking at Corran. "Not at the moment, I'm pretty sure nothing is going on today anyways, but if there is an emergency, then yes." I nod and start eating and I thought about some way to make my day not boring.

I've pretty much spilled all the tea with Lance and Allura and played all the games with Pidge. I've fought with Keith, I've cooked almost every meal with hunk and I've styled Corrans' mustache a million times...

So what am I going to do? Matt....Matt is my victim today. I sat there for a good minute thinking about what I'm going to do and then it came to me. "I know exactly what I'm going to do." I smirk as I think to myself.

So while all of us were eating and chatting, I take my foot and seductively trailed up and down Matt's leg. He looks over at me and attempts to squeeze my thigh and I slapped his hand. He looked at me and furrowed his brows. I stop playing footsies and I finish my breakfast along with everybody else.

Me and Matt went back in our room to settle in our food and chill. He laid down on the bed, slightly sitting up and playing on his phone thingy. I get on his lap, facing him, and I put my hands on his chest. I take his phone and throw it to the bottom of the bed and I look down at him seductively. I grabbed his hands and put them on my waist.

He attempted move down to my ass but I moved them back up. He grunted because he really wanted to squeeze my ass. I kissed his neck aggressively and he moaned softly. I moved my hands further down his chest and got to his pants and I traced the rim with my finger. I could tell he was about to get hard because every time he's about to, he bites his bottom lip, specifically on the right side.

I smirk and I get off of him and walk out. "H-HEY" he yelled. I laughed a bit because I knew as soon as I left he got a massive boner and he couldn't leave the room because of it. I walked down to the living room where most everyone was and sat down.

"So, what are you guys doing today?" I ask again as I sit next to lance and he plays with my hair. "I'm thinking of going out to get some stuff to make a diy face mask with Allura." Lance said. "I'm going to make a robot with Hunk that can recite memes at the perfect time." Pidge said she fist bumped hunk. "And I'm going to spend some time with red." Keith said. "Cool, welp, I'm just gonna hang around and stuff, I might join you guys if you don't mind. " I looked over at Allura and Lance and they happily agreed.

Everyone got up and started doing whatever it is that they are doing and I join Lance and Allura. Right as we start to get off the ship, Matt comes running after me and pulls me to the side. "Babe! Why did you leave me like that?!" He whispered quite loudly. Lance and Allura looked back and I told them to go along and that I'd catch up with them later. "Leave you when?" I ask him like I didn't know what he was talking about, a sly and innocent smile on my face. "When you, but, I, when I got a boner!!" I almost let out a laugh and I held it back the best I could. "Whoops?" I wink at him as I walked out of the ship to meet with Lance and Allura. He was left there, has to the floor. We went out onto the planet and into the forest. Once we got everything we needed to get, we walked back to the ship.

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