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Hours go by and I'm feeling better after thinking it over and order some Chinese take-out for lunch. After all, my Spanish family don't read tabloids and certainly not in English; my friends here in LA know that I don't have a relationship with Ruby; I have a good and plausible reason to explain my clients about why I attended that party and it's true: she invited me because I like Art Deco style and, on the other hand, journalists don't know who I am and where I work. After panicking a little, now I'm pretty sure that the only thing I need is to keep a low profile while I wait for the dust to settle and a new scandal breaks with another celebrity.

A knock on the door startles us while we're debating about the best arrangement for a walk-in closet. That's weird, we don't have any appointment with a client today. Liz opens the door and lets in a very nervous Ruby that burst in the hall to hug me tight.

- Are you okay? – She asks breathing hard – I was recording a radio interview and I just found out. I'm so sorry, I should have known that this would happen.

- Don't worry, it isn't your fault. I mean, it's not the end of the world; they'll get over it. After all they don't even know me.

- Well, as to that... - Ruby keeps her eyes down and bites her lower lip, then she looks at Liz - I should have phoned, shouldn't I?

- I think so. You know how this works, you've lived here long enough – my business partner answers harshly.

- I know but I was worried and I didn't think about it until now. I just wanted to make sure Iselen was okay.

- May I know what you're talking about?!?! – I hate speaking loudly but I don't like where this conversation is going.

- The most likely scenario is that a journalist has follow Ruby here and they already know where you work. Anyway, you'll be identified sooner or later; I think it's only a matter of hours.

I look at Ruby appalled and she simply nods in resignation. Then she hugs me again and rubs my back gently with her hand, trying to reassure me even if I'm very calmed right now on the surface: I don't really know what to say or how to act. My headache is back and worse than ever.

- Liz, do you mind if I go home? I think I have a migraine.

- Of course not, go and lie down for a while. There's nothing urgent on our desks.

- Fine – I turn to face Ruby that seems still a bit nervous – Don't worry, I'm sure they'll forget about me soon.

To be honest I don't know if I'm trying to convince her or myself. After getting my stuff and hugging them both, I leave the office. In the elevator I find myself engulfed in bothersome thoughts and I walk out of the building not paying any attention to my surroundings till I hear someone yelling:

- Hey you, wait!

Two men with professional cameras come running from the other side of the street. "Yes, sure I'm waiting for you; that's what I needed to hear!" I think. Luckily my car is parked in front of the entrance and I get in before they go near me; they end up with some blurry pictures of my car while I speed up down the street.

Since it's not rush hour traffic isn't as bad as usual but it takes me a while to come back home after driving around a little, just in case I was being followed by paparazzi. God, I'm getting paranoid! My bed is calling me like a mermaid but, as a girl who's very well-disciplined, I have a shower before and I take my make-up off, I hang my clothes in the closet and take a pain-killer. I get into bed feeling my tense and sore muscles relax. I'm trying to prevent my mind from wandering curling up under my blankets and closing my eyes. I fall asleep in less than a minute.

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