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Liz was right: in less than 24 hours they've found out who I am. My name, my age, my educational qualifications, where I work, who was my ex-boyfriend and a list of friends and relatives, form LA and Spain, have been published. I don't know why the CIA doesn't employ journalists as agents since they're so amazingly efficient. They have even persuaded an old friend of mine from elementary school to speak about me despite the fact that I haven't seen her in a while... like 20 years. Of course, they also know my phone number and it hasn't stopped ringing because they want to interview me. I've forwarded all my calls to my boss phone, I don't dare to answer just in case anything I say will be taken as "a statement" to the tabloids. At least my work has not suffered as a result of this media firestorm, in fact according to my boss some her former clients have called to commission minor renovations as an excuse to gossip. I'm happy that she can make some profit of this chaos.

Ruby isn't doing much better. The day after our last encounter she had to travel to New York to advertise some sneakers and do an interview on a famous TV show. During the whole week she's been chased, pestered, asked and photographed... but she's used to this craziness and she can face it with a smile on her lips, no matter how much she wishes to kick some paparazzi ass and fly him to the top of the Empire State Building. On the contrary, I'm not used to this and I look shocked in all my pictures... you wouldn't believe the things they can do for an exclusive.

I decided not to hide, I didn't want to change my routine because of them, so on Wednesday morning I went to the supermarket thinking that I wouldn't be followed: who cares about my shopping list? Apparently, half the world cares. And they even wrote not one but two articles: one about my style "Learn from Ruby Rose's new girl-friend how to dress stylish to go shopping." I give you the scoop: ripped jeans, flats, white simple T-shirt, leather jacket and a colourful scarf around my neck. Apparently I looked just perfect. The second article was devoted to the packet of biscuits I had in my hand and it speculated about what kind of things "my girlfriend" has for breakfast: "Ruby Rose: biscuits or toasts?" No, I'm not kidding. And the biscuits brand has called, they want to provide us with enough biscuits for a year if Ruby advertises their products on Instagram. This is utterly ridiculous.

They've followed me everywhere and they've been shooting photos of me walking into Sam's salon, they wrote an article speculating about my beauty treatments; going to my office, they wrote an article about my work and my friendship with Liz and coming out Ellie's law office and they wrote an article speculating whether I was going to take legal actions against the media for harassment. Actually I brought two sandwiches and I had lunch with her since we hadn't seen each other for dinner last Monday. Well, maybe I asked her if there was a legal way of getting the press away from me because it's only been a week and I feel that things are getting out of hand. Ellie's advice is more or less the same that Ruby told me: every time we speak she tells me to hold on, they'll get over it as soon as another celebrity is involved in a scandal that distract them. The problem is that, lately, famous people are behaving properly and no one is caught driving drunk for example.

It's Monday again and, since I refuse to change my habits, I'm going out to dinner with my friends tonight: Zoe chooses the Sage Vegan Bistro. Great, because delicious tacos is just what I need right now, I just hope those paparazzi won't take a picture with salsa dripping from my chin. They must have spies all over the city given that we've been sitting at the restaurant table less than 15 minutes and they're waiting outside already: they think Ruby's with us but they're wrong, she's on a plane right now flying back home and she hasn't arrived yet. My friends are trying to cheer me up with a strong cocktail and talking about everything excluding what's happening to me and the media.

- Say what you like but I really think it's very interesting – Sam was saying - It's a mind-body retreat to meditate, being one with the Universe and communing with Mother Nature and, at the same time, you enjoy all the benefits of a luxury spa. We could go and have a girl's weekend.

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