Chapter Twenty Eight

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I watch in a dazed and shocked state as a large man almost like a bear lifts up Nadine with ease and set her gently down away from me. I am free and I should run but I can't. I only watch the man as he walks over to me and says something, I can't hear him. It's silent for me and no noises can be heard, I only watch.

The man is very tall, around the height of Percival and his muscles are bulging just like him too. In fact they look very similar and could be cousins or even brothers. His skin is a light brown and his hair the same as Percival's only a tinge darker. He wears a large blue tunic underneath his large brown jacket that matches with his trousers and boots. Lastly I meet his eyes and I can't help but stare. It's like I'm looking right at Percival and even though I don't see him that often I know his eyes and this man has them. They have the same exact eyes.

He walks right up to me in a sense of urgency and kneels down to where I am now sitting up on the ground. It's like he's saying something but I can't hear him and that's alright. He seems frightened, but why? The stars are out and hardly any clouds are out. It's cool and nice. He should be enjoying it, not being scared of it, and he should be smiling. I'm not. Why am I not smiling?

Rough, warm hands are on my shoulders and shaking me. It's him. He stops and grabs me by the side. He practically picks me up and puts me on my own two feet. He grabs my wrist tightly at first but then loosens his grip and we are running. He drags me after him but soon I run with him and I'm not sure why. My body and mind seem disconnected, so does my heart. What does that mean? Disconnected.

"Missione?" Says a deep, warm voice.

I blink and I am looking into the eyes of Percival. How did he get here?

"Percival?" I ask.

The man blinks and draws back. He's not Percival... Now I remember. We were running. Running from the Ácolitus and they fired at me. Nadine. Sweet Nadine. She took the hit for me and died. I remember now, the blood and the pain. That's why my back and heart are sore. She shouldn't have gone like that, she deserves better and being left there. I know there was no time but...

"Percival?" Asks the shocked man. "Strong as a horse Percival?"

I wince internally as he says "horse" and answer with, "Yes, that's him. Do you know him?"

He smiles and laughs lightly saying, "He's my brother."


Mordred watches from afar as Lady Katherine moves around the castle in freedom when underneath she is plotting against the King, her cousin and last remaining family. He wonders how she can do such a thing to her only family and so easily. He knows that he would never, he could never hurt his last reaming family which is Missy. She is the older sister he never knew and never could do harm upon. He can't understand how Lady Katherine can even wish harm unto Arthur, her, only family.

What is he going to do? He asks himself minute after minute until the answer, so simple pops into is mind and he knows. He will do what he has to. He will kill her. He will kill her before she can do any harm unto Arthur or the Queen or any of the knights and then everything will be fine. Everyone will be safe. Camelot will be safe.

It is his duty.


He is trapped. Darkness surrounds him and it would be impossible to see anything if not for the small ray of sun light that is seeping through the small spaces between the rocks. It is fading fast though and soon, in a matter of minutes it will be gone. He has to act fast he realizes. So Merlin does all he can with his magic to remove the rocks but nothing works and the stone wall remains. It is held together by very strong enchantments, kinds that are older than him by decades and that he doesn't think he can break. But he has to. He's the great Emrys, magic is him and it never truly leaves him. He has to break free...

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