Chapter 1

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June 2, 2014

The girl placed her headphones around her ears and pressed shuffle, she closed her apartment’s door behind her and walked down the lobby. She waved for a few people in the building’s lobby and made her way on the street. Suddenly the music stopped and Melissa’s IPod shut down; it was out of battery.

When these things happen to Melissa she gets mad, she likes to listen to music all the time. Especially when she takes a walk, a walk without music doesn’t mean anything to her. But she needs that walk, so she continued anyway placing the headphones around her neck.

She hummed Lana Del Rey’s song Video Games while looking at the ground; she isn’t really fond of people. She likes to stay alone, because people could be mean and they are mean towards her. Music and writing keep her company and she is totally fine with that.

“And they say she’s in the class A team, stuck in her daydream.” She heard the lyrics of A Team by Ed Sheeran above her, and the voice continued singing the lyrics beautifully while strumming the guitar.

Melissa stopped humming and looked up; the voice was coming from a balcony. She walked back a few steps so she can see the man’s face, but she couldn’t since the man had his back facing her, he was turning to the left; looking at the shore that was miles away from the city.

He continued to sing from his heart and she smiled, her mood changed somehow his voice managed to do that. She sat on the bench under the balcony and continued to listen to his singing till he stops.

Later that night, she turned on her computer and opened a file in Microsoft Word called ‘My Daily Diary’. She started writing:

June 2nd 2014

As my IPod battery ran out, I was walking down the street to take some fresh air and go have breakfast. I walk down a balcony and suddenly a mesmerizing voice stops my actions and plans. The unknown man sounded amazing, his thick voice sung the notes perfectly. I was astonished and warmed by the lovely voice.

I spent my time under his balcony for thirty minutes precisely admiring the way her sung ‘A Team’ by Ed Sheeran and ‘Little Things’ by the One Direction boys. I tried to sneak a glance at him but he never turned his vision away from the shore, sadly.

I wanted to see how he looks like; I wanted to see if the man is handsome as much as his voice. Part of me wanted his back to stay facing me; I don’t want him to see me listening to him. I want to hear him sing again.

That is enough; Melissa thought. She loves writing as much as music. She is proud of herself for writing amazingly without a degree in writing. In fact, she is working on publishing her –new – yet first book. It will be based on her daily dairies, it is going well so far, and now a new character in her life – and story – has officially entered.

June 3rd 2014

Melissa got back from Starbucks with breakfast in the brown bag, she passed the same building she sat under to listen to his singing. She glanced up at the man’s balcony expecting to see him but sadly he wasn’t there. Sighing, she continued walking back to her apartment so she could eat her take out breakfast, but the sound of guitar strumming stopped her movements.

I wonder what song he is singing today, Melissa thought.

Turning around, she sat on the bench she sat at yesterday and opened the bag so she can eat her breakfast while listening to him. She heard the faint sound of him singing and she smiled immediately, it is her favorite Ed Sheeran song ‘Grade 8’.

This is the best breakfast she ever had, listening to a beautiful voice while eating and drinking her favorite Starbucks food is the best thing she could ask for. He continued to sing and she started swaying at the lyrics and the strumming guitar.

A few minutes later she finished her breakfast while he finished singing Grade 8, then he started playing another tune that she didn’t recognize. What is he singing now? She asked herself. Then the lyrics answered her question; Human by Christina Perri.

Once he finished the song he went inside his apartment and Melissa realized that it is her queue to leave too. Her heart raced when she heard him sing the lyrics; it was obvious that he was in pain for singing a sad song with such passion. Her heart is still beating fast, so he sings daily, she came to conclusion.

She walked humming the couple songs he sung today and he phone ringing interrupted her, “Hello,” Melissa answered without looking at the ID.

“Hi Mely, how are you girl?” Isabelle asked her best friend.

“Oh I am amazing,” she flushed at the memory of how she spent her morning. “What about you?”

“I am great, I am doing my passport papers and sooner or later I will be at yours.” Isabelle smiled.

“That is great to hear. When are you coming?” Melissa asked Isabelle excitement filling her.

“One week baby, one week and we will finally live together.” Isabelle said and started screaming in happiness.

“I’d love to scream with you but I am in public,” Melissa chuckled and so did Isabelle. “I really can’t wait to see you it’s been lonely here.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment thank you, but you should have made friends. I mean you stayed at collage for like three years.”

Melissa sighed, “I did but I just don’t fit in, I need you to help me fit in.” She said honestly to her best friend.

“Wow you are such a flatterer.” Isabelle laughed and so did Melissa.

The girls started talking about random stuff on the phone and laughing around; Melissa chose not to tell Isabelle about the young man singing on the balcony. It was just a coincidence thing and she is sure it won’t happen again so why bothering telling Isabelle about it? But the thought of him singing made her stomach twitch; she can’t stop thinking about him. Nobody had ever made that impact on her, but this young man attracted her without coming face to face, only by his voice.  


Hello my warriors! How are you doing? I hope you are doing fine! 

For starters this a romance book and it has nothing to do with the boys or other celebrities. So if you are reading my Niall Fanfiction "Smile" don't expect this to be another fanfiction cause it is not :) but I hope you will enjoy it! And for my fellow Directioners readers - on this story - I suggest you to go and read my Niall Horan Fanfiction "Smile" I am sure you will love it xx

Excuse me if the writing is bad; after all English isn't my first language so forgive me for my spelling and grammar mistakes. Haha. And it is the first time I write in third person so I am trying as much as I can to write it in the best way, and the chapters will become longer than this xx

Please show some support by voting and commenting for this. The book is dedicated to my cousin @IStylestagram , the lead female is named by her and the lad male is named by her boyfriend so here you go girl! 

P.S: My author's notes aren't usually this long lol sorry.

Don't forget to vote and comment and maybe share ;) enjoy reading xx love you my warriors.

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