Chapter 3

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Still, June 10th 2014

Isabelle plumped on her bed sighing, she finally got to lie on a smooth surface after her flight from Ohio to London. Her best friend placed her bags next to her new bed. “There is enough hot water for you to take a bath; I will start unpacking your clothes. You can take a nap you had a long flight.” She smiled at her.

“Thank you, I would be glad to have one and its okay I can unpack my stuff once you tell me what’s up with you and that second floor dude.” She winked at Melissa as she hopped off bed opening her package to get her pajamas.

Melissa flushed crimson red, “W-what second-floor-dude?”

“Oh come on, that boy you made eye contact with and you kept smiling with flushing cheeks on the way back.” She described Melissa’s reaction in detail, making her blush more. Rolling her eyes she continued; “Whatever, I will take a bath and we will have that talk.” Isabelle eyes her and skips out of the room once she gathered her toiletries.

Oh god, Melissa kept standing in the middle of the room with flushed cheeks remembering his smile and voice. And then it daunts her, she likes a boy who she doesn’t even know; she hasn’t met him yet; no ‘hello’, nothing. Wow, what a voice can do sometime. That saddened her, she needs advice and she has the best psychologist you can find, in Melissa’s bathroom.


“How was your shower?” Melissa questioned Isabelle once she entered the room with a towel on her head and a lazy smile on her face.

“Ahhh, amazing; the tub was full with soap and it was all fuzzy. God I really hate jetlag, my legs feel like Jelly.” Isabelle told her and sat on her bed. “So tell me, what is it with that boy?”

“The-second-floor-boy? Long story,” Melissa sighed and tied the last t-shirt and placed it neatly in Isabelle’s new closet.

“I am listening,” Isabelle is a natural psychologist, before she took major psychology she always liked to help people and she gave some really – helpful – great advices. And helping Melissa with her problems became a normal thing for her, and she enjoys it a lot. Seeing people face their problems with her help makes her day.

“Well, I was walking down the street and this man started singing on his balcony, I was mesmerized. His voice is beyond beautiful; it is so quiet and peaceful. I stated to realize that he sings every day at 10 AM sharp; and in the same time I am back from getting my breakfast from Starbucks. I became attached to him, I like him and I haven’t met him yet and I am scared that I will talk to him someday.” Melissa told her best friend the problem she is facing in hopes she can help her.

“Oh, okay I see. Once you make eye contact with him, just send him a greeting. Simple as that, plus you shouldn’t be afraid of men. Remember you moved out of Ohio so you can start new, and you are. I mean finally after being away for three years you finally dig someone!” She exclaimed. “Fear is something normal, we carry it in every event in our life and it never fades away. But its percentage can decrease and you can brush it off as much as you can and you will do great. Start off with a simple hello and then things will be better than you can imagine.” Isabelle reassured Melissa.

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