Chapter 2

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June 10th 2014

The week passed by, Melissa had learnt little stuff about this mysterious man. Since she always pick up her breakfast from Starbucks at 10 AM, she realized that he also sigs at 10 AM sharp. She also discovered that he sings the same songs, yesterday he sang the same songs he sung last Monday; “A Team” and “Little Things”. So he will probably sing today, “Grade 8” and “Human” since today is Tuesday.

Melissa wondered how come he never turns his face or why he always looks at the far shore. But that didn’t matter, what matters the most is why he sings at 10 AM sharply? The answer is anonymous as much as the identity of this man. She always has the desire to ask some citizens who is he, what is his name and find out more information about him. But she didn’t have the courage to, and part of her wanted the man to introduce himself to her. Yea, like that would happen.

Today Melissa and her best friend Isabelle will reunite after three years; Melissa woke up at 7 AM because she couldn’t handle her excitement to see her. Good thing that he airplane arrives at 2 PM so I have the chance to listen to him sing, Melissa thought selfishly. Chuckling at her thoughts, she sat on the bench and opened her brown bag and started eating her chocolate English muffin and sipped some of her hot coffee. She glanced up at the balcony, purposely she came here five minutes earlier so that once he opens the glass door to step out on the balcony she could take a glance on his face. Her heart leaped on the thought and her smile grew bigger, and turned into scarlet.

The small pin of the clock moved to the number 10, and the anonymous man stepped out of his apartment to the balcony and Melissa’s jaw dropped. His lips were pursed in a thin line, his eyes are hazel and his jaw line; she may get this wrong but she caught some freckles under his eyes… Oh god, he is so hot.  

Her heart felt to hear stomach, not because of his looks. Because his eyes made contact with hers and he smiled at her, oh my lord what should I do. His infectious smile made her lips quiver upward, making her eyes crinkle. He turned his back and set his chair so his sight could focus on the ocean.

She never realized that she could see someone perfectly clear from the land, and boy she is glad she can because the sight of his face made her happy more than she already is. God his hair, drooling over the sight of him she listened to him singing the songs she anticipated for him to sing today. The happiness and excitement she is feeling makes her wanting to jump in circles and scream. She never felt like this before and boy she is not regretting anything she is feeling right now.

She swayed slightly at the tunes of the guitar and his voice while eating her breakfast, the smile he sent her. It probably didn’t mean anything, he meant it as a friendly gesture; Melissa thought logically. And yea she is right; he only meant it as a friendly gesture.

Once the angel-like voice of his finished both songs, he stepped out of his chair and was about to open the balcony. Only to remember to see if that girl is still watching him, turning his head around he saw her staring at him with a big smile. He smiled at her and sent her a small wave and entered the apartment.

Holy fucking cow, the butterflies in Melissa’s stomach couldn’t stop flying around. He smiled at her again! Wait, that means he is starting to realize that I am stalking him! Melissa panicked. But she shrugged it off, she is happy that he noticed her and that she is not a stranger from the audience.   


“Isabelle!!” Melissa exclaimed once her blonde friend appeared behind the gates, Isabelle heard her name and left her suitcases lying on the floor - not caring if somebody got the chance to steal them - and hugged her best friend.

“Oh god, Mel I missed you so much! Three fucking years without you, oh my god I can’t believe I survived three years without you!” Both girls felt comfortable in each other’s arms after such a long time.

“Look how much grown you’ve come! You’ve gotten so much taller than before.”  Melissa noted the changes of her friend while picking up her suitcases.

Isabelle was the kind of girl who makes you drool, even if you are a girl. You immediately get that pang of jealousy, because all eyes on her. Her blonde-brown hair flows perfectly to her waist, she is tall and her body is average. Not too skinny and not too full, she has the perfect body everyone desires. Her blue eyes always shine, and she has that pearly-teethed smile that can make you smile reluctantly and her personality makes you fond of her more. Melissa is really glad to have a friend like her.

The girls chatted on some latest gossip and news, Isabelle updated Melissa on what was happening in town and slight hints about her parents but she didn’t push it forward. The girls passed by the singer’s apartment, Melissa tried to glance up at the window and through her eyelashes she caught the man’s eyes while he was standing at the balcony drinking from his teacup.  

She blushed crimson red and he nodded at her, his smile evident even under the cup. She feels like a sixteen year old again with the flirting glances she shares with her crush.

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