Chapter 7

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June 14th 2014

Melissa and Noah spent the night playing Monopoly as he planned, it was fun though. She left Noah’s at 11:30 PM, and Noah of course refused to let her walk in the night so he gave her a ride. They kissed a few times before Melissa finally decided to go up to her and Isabelle’s apartment; though she had a lot to tell Isabelle… Well they both needed to spill details of the night’s events when they went in separate ways.

Isabelle and Kevin, had sex in a car. As Isabelle describes it; it was the best sex in the car she ever had. And yogurt was also involved, since both Kevin and Isabelle are big fans of Fifty Shades of Grey… Well you know now why yogurt was included in their sex.   

While Melissa assured Isabelle that she still didn’t lose her virginity, she tends to lose it to someone she will marry. They talked till 12 PM and both went into happy sleeping dreaming of their night in shiny armor; make him two.

“So, what are you guys now? Boyfriend, Girlfriend?” Isabelle questioned Melissa and she stirred her cup of coffee with a yawn.

“I don’t know, he didn’t ask me out on a date. He just told me that he likes me.” She told her simply.

“Oh, so he kept talking about his past, what about yours? You told him about your parents?” Isabelle kept questioning her, though they stayed like half an hour or such yesterday every moment a question pops in her head.

“He didn’t ask so I didn’t open the subject, and I prefer he won’t.” She took a sip of her coffee.  

Isabelle nodded in understatement; Melissa doesn’t like the subject of her past. The reason she came here is to forget, is to move on, and to get away from the evil awaiting for her. Isabelle was thankful for Noah; he doesn’t realize how he is helping her Isabelle could go give him bunch of hugs and gifts for making Melissa happy by just singing.

The doorbell rung and Melissa answered it, nobody usually come knocking on her door so that’s new. It might be Noah, ah. She smiled as her heart raced at the thought of this singer that took her heart away.

“Good Morning, Ms. Anderson?” The mail man asked her once she opened the wooden door.

“Yup, good morning to you too.” She smiled at him.

He gave her a tight smile and gave her the clipboard to sign, she scribbled down her signature and the man gave her the box. Closing the door, she went back to the table in the kitchen and Isabelle’s eyes are full with curiosity.

She opened the box and saw a… Bra? Confused she picked it up; her fingers caressed the soft material. Ohhh, it’s a swimsuit! Melissa came to conclusion as she picked up the other piece of the swimsuit. It is cute; the bra has two laces; one for her neck and another one on her back. It is purple colored and the laces are white, the same goes with the panties of the swimsuit.

“Ou lala,” Isabelle commented as she snatched the piece of clothing from Melissa’s hands. “Who is it from?”

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