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Rey woke up early like usual. She was sent to a new city in U.S. for school. She has gotten use to being shipped around for the last twelve years. Her parents abandoned her when she was six. She changed into a black tank top, army green jacket, ripped jeans, and a pair of black timberlands. Rey made herself breakfast before brushing her teeth and fixing her hair. She never bothered with makeup. Her new school, Stars Academy, was only a fifteen minutes walk. Rey grabbed her bag and started walking. She kept her head down as she walked. She hoped to just blend in and not attract attention. When she got to the school, there was a huge sign that had the school's name.

"Wow." Rey mutters to herself.

The school was huge. The whole campus was like a small city. As Rey approached the front doors she notice a tall guy dressed in black from head to toe. The guy looked at her briefly and then quickly looked away. Rey stared at him and watched him. He was extremely tall and had dark brown wavy hair.

"Handsome." Rey thought.

The minute she stepped through the doors two men came up to her.

"You are new here. I'm Poe and this Finn." A brunette teenager says.

Rey jumps in surprise. She gives the two guys a timid smile.

"Yes I am new. My name's Rey." She says.

"Cool name." The other male says.

Rey smiles and tries to walk towards the office.

"Rey, we are going to be your friends now." Poe announced.

"Thanks, I guess. I really need to get to the office." Rey says trying to get away.

"We will walk you." Finn says.

"Really, guys I'm fine. I can walk myself." Rey says.

Poe shrugs. Rey walks into the office and sees several men and women in there.

"Hello. I'm new here and I need my schedule and locker." Rey says to the lady sitting at the desk.

"Name." The woman asks.

"Rey. No last name." She says.

The woman types a few things in and hands her two pieces or paper.

"Thanks." Rey mutters.

She walks out of the office and right into the side of someone.

"Ouch!" Rey exclaims rubbing her nose.

The person she ran into looked down at her and then up. It was the guy from outside.

"Sorry." Rey says.

"Don't worry about." He says in a low voice.

Rey interally melts. His voice. Rey smiles at him.

"I'm Rey." She says holding her hand out.

"Kylo." He replies.

Rey nods and begins to walk along side him. She notices all the stares she receives as they walk.

"Rey, you don't want to hang around me. You don't need this idiots harassing you." Kylo says.

"I don't care. I can stand up for myself." She replies.

Poe and Finn watch as they interact. Poe walks up to them.

"Rey, you don't want to hang around him. He's bad news." Poe says dragging her away.

Rey tries to get loose. She watched as Kylo's face dropped when Poe arrived. She stared at him with sad eyes.

"Poe! Let me go!" Rey yells.

He lets her go once they were far away.

"Rey. Stay away from him. All he is, is trouble. He causes problems for everyone." Finn says.

"I can make that decision for myself. You both are rude." Rey states.

"You don't need him and his issues." Poe says.

Rey rolls her eyes and walks away. First period she had history. When she walked in the class. Kylo was sitting in the back with his head down. She went up the teacher and introduced herself as the new student. The teacher tells her to sit in the back next to Kylo.

"Hi, Kylo. I'm sorry about Poe." Rey says.

"They're right. You should stay away." He replies not looking at her.

"I can make my own decisions about who I want to hang around." Rey states.

Kylo didn't respond after that. Rey focused on the lesson and took notes. When the bell rang Kylo was the first to leave. Rey rolls her eyes. When lunch time rolled around, Rey had three classes with Kylo and the rest with either Poe or Finn. Poe and Finn were waiting outside the canteen.

"Rey have lunch with us." Finn said.

Rey sighed and shrugged. She followed them to a table. She pulls out a small bag of food. She slowly eats. Rey remains silent throughout lunch. She couldn't help but think of Kylo. Why were people cruel to him?

"Rey? Rey? You there?" Poe asked waving his hand in front of her face.

Rey shakes her head.

"Yeah. I'm just thinking." She replies smiling.

Poe nods and continues his previous conversation. The rest of the day flew by. Rey only had a few sheets of homework. She began her walk home and saw Kylo.

"Kylo! Kylo! Wait up!" She exclaims.

He stops and stand there. Rey jogs to catch up. Kylo looks at her with one eyebrow raised.

"Rey? Why do make the effort to talk to me?" He asks after a few minutes of walking.

"Because it is my first day and I could use as many friends as possible." Rey says.

Kylo shakes his head. Rey looks at him. Rey's house was first to come.

"This is me." She announces when they reach her mailbox.

"See you tomorrow." Kylo says.

Rey nods and walks to her door. She waves and unlocks her door. When she gets in, she drops her bag on the old couch. She gets herself a glass of water. Rey gets her homework out and does it. When she finishes she lies on the couch. She places an arm over her eyes. She begins to dose off. Right as she fell asleep she was woken up by a loud knock. She rolls off the couch and lands with a thud.

"Kylo? What are you doing here?" She asks surprised.

"Can I come in?" He asks in strained voice.

Rey nods and allows him to come in.

Together Forever (Modern au) (reylo au)Where stories live. Discover now