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After sitting for an hour watching tv, Rey decided to order pizza. Since they had no way of picking it up, they had it delivered. Rey answered the door so no one would see the line that ran down Kylo's face. They ate dinner in silence.

"Rey? Will you go to the doctors with me tomorrow?" Kylo asks breaking the silence.

Rey nods and puts the plates in the dishwasher. She meets Kylo in the living room where he was seated.

"Do you want to talk about what happened with them?" Rey whispers taking a seat next to him.

He looks at her and sighs.

"We don't have to if you don't want." She adds.

"Tomorrow I'll tell you. For now I want to forget that I now have an ugly scar across my face because two idiots want me to stay away from you." Kylo replies with disdain.

"If it makes a difference I think the scar makes you look hotter." Rey whispers, turning red.

Kylo cracks a small smile. Rey lets out a small giggle. He wraps an arm around her as they watch tv. Rey leans into his side. He lets out a groan when she did. She immediately sat up.

"Kylo? Are you still hurt?" She asks looking at his side.

"No." He mumbles trying to play it off.

"Yes you are." Rey states grabbing his shirt.

She lifts it up to reveal large bruising across his stomach and to his side. She gasps and gently touches them. Kylo holds his breath as she went across. Rey got up and put a hand to her mouth. Kylo got hurt and it was her fault. Tears immediately ran down her face. She turned and ran up the stairs before Kylo could get to her. She ran into her room and flung herself on her bed and sobbed into her pillow. It was all her fault. She should have stayed with Kylo after school.

Kylo followed her up the stairs. He opened her door carefully.

"Rey. It's not your fault. I know you are thinking that. No one could have known they would have done this. Do not blame yourself." Kylo states walking towards the bed.

Rey didn't answer. He sat on the bed beside her. He gently pulled her up so she was looking at him. She tried to turn away, but his grip was tight. Her face was red and puffy. Kylo wiped the tears that fell from her light brown eyes.

"Don't blame yourself. It is not your fault." Kylo says staring into her eyes.

He wanted to show her that he did not blame her in any way. Rey shifted so she could lay her head on his shoulder. They sat in silence while Rey calmed down.

"What time is it?" She asks.

Kylo looks at the clock sitting on the nightstand and tells her it's almost nine. She nods her head.

"Are you going press charges?" Rey whispers.

"I don't know." He whispers.

Rey slid down and laid her head on her pillow and looked at Kylo. He was so calm about what happened.

"I'm sleepy." Rey slurs as her eyes flutter.

The afternoon was very draining. She could hardly keep her eyes open.

"Good night, princess." Kylo says just below a whisper.

He gets off the bed and begins to leave the room to sleep on the couch.

"Stay." Rey mumbles.

Kylo turns around and goes back to bed. He lays there and waits for sleep to come. Rey had fallen completely asleep. Kylo spent the night tossing and turning. The bruises made it difficult to sleep.

Together Forever (Modern au) (reylo au)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें