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"Kylo? What happened?" Rey asks as he takes a seat on her couch.

"Can we not talk about it right now?" He asks looking at her.

Rey nods and gets him a glass of water. He takes it from her and quickly finishes it. Rey sits next to him and waits. Kylo sighs and rests his head in his hands. Rey places a hand on his thigh. He lifts his head and looks at her. She gives him a soft smile.

"I got in a fight with my parents. I didn't know where to go." Kylo finally says.

Rey nods, not knowing how to respond. She never had to deal with parents or arguing with a parent.

"Do you want to talk about the fight or leave it?" She asks.

"Leave it please." He replies.

Rey nods. They sit in silence. Kylo had immediately calmed down when Rey opened the door. Her face made the anger melt away. The silence was broke by the sound of Rey's stomach grumbling. Kylo tries to stifle a laugh.

"Are you hungry?" He asks smiling.

"I guess so. Would you like to stay for dinner?" Rey asks.

"Won't your parents care?" He asks.

"I don't have any." She mumbles.

Kylo apologizes for asking. She brushed it aside. Kylo accepted her invitation to eat over. Rey begins to make dinner.

"Is pasta alright? I haven't gone shopping in awhile." Rey asks.

"Yes. Do you need any help?"

Rey shakes her head. She places a plate down in front of him and then takes a seat opposite of him. Dinner is silent. Kylo offers to help with the dishes and Rey accepts his help. Rey washed and Kylo dried. After they were done, they sat on the couch. Rey turned the tv on and flicked through the channels. She settled into the couch and laid her head on a pillow. Kylo sat next to her and watched her. She looked peaceful. Soon they both dozed off.

The next morning Rey's alarm went off, scaring both of them. Rey shot off the couch and Kylo jumped slightly.

"Did I spend the night?" Kylo mumbles rubbing his next.

"I guess so." Rey replies shaking her head.

Kylo groans as he gets up. He slept sitting up.

"I'm going to get changed. If you want to go get changed you can. You can help yourself to the food." Rey rambles.

Rey climbs the stairs to her room. She showers quickly and goes to her closet. She changes into jeans, a white top, a tan cardigan, and tan slip on shoes. When she went down stairs Kylo was no where to be seen. On the table was a note saying he went to get breakfast and get changed. Rey shrugged and made herself a cup of coffee. She sipped on it while she stared out the window. The backyard had a porch and several large trees scattered around. A knock on the door took her out of her thoughts. Kylo was standing in a new black outfit and a bag. The smell of food filled Rey's nose.

"Come in. It smells great." Rey says.

Kylo hands her the bag and takes a seat at the table. He watched as Rey ate her breakfast sandwich.

"Thank you." Rey says once she finished.

Kylo nods and gives her a brief smile. Rey excuses herself so she could brush her teeth. She grabs her bag so they could leave.

"Ready?" She asks smiling.

Kylo nods and follows her out the door. Rey turns and locks the door. They walk side by side to school. Poe walks up to them drags Rey away. Rey mouths a sorry to Kylo. He shakes his head.

"What the heck?" Rey exclaims.

"Rey, we told you to stay away from him. We don't want you to get hurt. He is known for his short temper." Finn says.

"I don't care about what you said. Kylo is not going to hurt me." Rey defends.

"Stay away Rey." Poe says.

Rey walks away from them. She finds Kylo sitting in the back. Rey tries to talk to him in the beginning of the period. He ignores her. He was trying to save her from the torment. Kylo rushes out of the class when the bell rings, ending the class. Rey fumes silently. Poe and Finn were scaring him away from her. Even though it was only her second day, she felt a connection with Kylo. Rey ignored Poe and Finn for the rest of the day. She went to library to eat lunch. At the end of the day she was cornered by Poe and Finn.

"Rey, you've been ignoring us. What's wrong?" Poe asks.

"Leave me alone." Rey states.

"We are your friends. Something is wrong." Finn states.

"You both are rude and you are scaring Kylo away from me. He understands me." She says.

"That freak doesn't understand anyone. He is a loner." Poe says.

Rey watches as Kylo walks pass her. They meet eyes for a brief moment. Finn sees who she is staring at.

"Hey! Loner! Leave her alone!" He yells.

Rey pushes Finn and rushes towards Kylo. Kylo picks his pace up. Rey groans. She runs to keep up.

"Kylo! Stop!" She exclaims.

He stops and looks at her.

"What do you want?" He ask harshly.

"We need to talk. I don't care what Poe or Finn said." She says.

"I'm trying to keep you from getting tormented by them." He says.

"I can handle myself. I have been since I was six." Rey states.

"They are horrible and I don't want you to go through what I go through." Kylo replies.

"So what. I don't care. I will continue to be your friend no matter what anyone says." Rey says and then walks away.

She leaves him there. Kylo thinks about her words. He shakes his head and walks on. Rey gets to her house and does her homework immediately. This doesn't calm her anger. She grabs her knife set and goes to the backyards. She begins to aim them at the tree and throws them. After two hours of throwing the knives she becomes exhausted.

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