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*One month later

Today is the day that their English project was due. Rey and Kylo sat the in the back of the class like usual. Rey sat with the papers on her desk.

"Since I'm in a good mood today, I've decided to allow anyone who wants present can and those who don't, don't have to. This will not affect your grade. I may be willing to give extra credit to those who present." Their teacher announces.

Rey and Kylo look at each other and have a mental conversation. He nods his head no and she mirrors him. It was decided that they wouldn't present. Only five groups went up to present. The teacher gave the class a free period afterwards. Suddenly she sat up quickly causing half the class to snap their heads her.

"I just remembered. Next week we will have having a winter semi-formal. Last year we were able to raise enough funds so the dance will be free. All you have to do is sign up by the end of this week." She announces.

Rey and along with the girls in the class let out a squeal. Kylo raised an eyebrow at her. He didn't think she was into dance.

"I can't wait to go!" She exclaims.

"You want to go to a school dance?" He questions.

Rey nods eagerly. Kylo shrugs. If she was going, then he was going. He would have to plan to ask her. The day went by quickly. Rey remained in a good mood all day. She swung their hands back and forth as they walked home. Kylo spent most nights at her house. It was easier than listening to his parents argue. Almost every night his parents got into an argument, most of the time it was about something stupid. He stayed at the house while Rey went to work. She managed to get a job as a waitress at the local dinner.

"Baby, we will sign up for the dance tomorrow." Kylo said.

Rey nodded. To anyone else but themselves them seemed to be a couple. They held hands, kissed each other, and had pet names for each other. Rey was now able to afford to pay for internet. Kylo gave her his old iPhone so she didn't have to pay for a brand new one.

They laid in her bed with Rey's head on his chest. She cuddled into his side as they laid there. This was normal for them. As they laid there Rey thought of what she would wear to the winter dance. Suddenly the dress popped in her head causing her to sit up.

"What's wrong?" He asked sitting up with her.

"Nothing." She replied hopping off the bed.

She walked over to her closet quickly. She rummaged threw it and pulled out a black dress case. She opened it to reveal a gold sequined long sleeve dress that went to about mid thigh.

"Perfect!" She exclaimed.

Her foster parents from two years ago had bought it for her. They had to go to a holiday party and Rey had no dresses for it. Rey quickly zipped the bag up and put it back. She didn't want Kylo to see it.

"What is it?" Kylo asked.

"My dress. Don't look!" Rey replied.

He put his hands up in surrender. The look on Rey's face said it all. She was not to be messed with.

*next week

Rey was filled with excitement all week. She couldn't wait for the dance. She made Kylo go shopping last weekend for his dress shirt and pants.

"Calm down, Rey." Kylo said.

"I can't help it." Rey replied smiling brightly at him.

Kylo kissed her head as she slightly bounced up and down. He dropped her off at her house. Rey didn't want him to see her getting done. Kylo managed to borrow his mother's car for the night. He would pick he up at seven sharp. It was only three when Rey finished eating her snack. She took a nap until four.

"Time to shower." She said to herself looking at her watch.

She quickly showered and shaved. She hopped out and wrapped herself in her robe. Rey took her time blow drying her hair. Her hair dried in loose waves, but Rey wanted her hair to be pin straight. She found her straightener hidden behind all her toiletries and other bathroom things. It only took her twenty minutes to straighten her hair since her hair only reached her shoulders. When she finished with her hair it was almost five. She decided it was time to get dressed so she could do her makeup without smearing it on her dress. When it was on she struggled to zip it but she made it work. Then she slipped on a pair of black stockings. The weather was starting to get cold. She went back into the bathroom to begin her makeup. Her eye makeup was a black smokey eye and her lipstick was a pinky nude color. She was finally finished it was 6:45. Perfect timing. She grabbed her black wedges and went downstairs. She placed her phone and lipstick into a black clutch she bought at the mall. She paced back and forth waiting for Kylo to pull up. When she heard a car pull up she slipped on her wedges. Kylo came to the door and instead of walking in like normal, he knocked. Rey smiled and opened the door. Their reactions mirrored each other. Rey's mouth was slightly opened and Kylo's was completely opened and his eyes stuck out. He stepped inside and grabbed Rey's hands.

"You look absolutely stunning. You are beautiful." Kylo said looking her over.

"Thank you." She mumbled turning red.

Kylo kissed her cheek.

"You look absolutely handsome, babe." Rey said.

She gave him a quick peck that turned into a short make out session. Kylo broke it. He helped her into the car after locking the house up. While he drove to the venue Rey fixed her makeup that was messed up by their session. Both of them had a smile on their face.

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