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(June 15th, 2016)

"I can't believe we are going to graduate!" Rey exclaims as they lay in bed.

"I know baby." Kylo replies.

Rey rolls over to see what time it was, they had to leave the house by five to get to school on time for graduation. Kylo's parents and family would be there to cheer them on.

"Babe, let me up. I gotta shower." Rey announces trying to sit up.

Kylo lifts his arm and lets Rey go. She showers quickly then blow dries her hair. Wrapped in her towel, Rey looks through her closet for her graduation dress. She had gone shopping a few weeks ago and found a maroon colored skater dress with a thin belt along the waist. She slipped the dress on and then tied her nude wedges around her ankle.

"Babe, can you help me up?" Rey asked sitting on the ground.

She wasn't an expert on getting off the ground in heels no matter the size. Kylo chuckles helping her off the ground. Rey pops up and stumbles into Kylo's chest. She walks down stairs to get a small snack together. Kylo came down about twenty minutes later dress in a white button down, a maroon tie, black slacks, and black dress shoes.

"Baby, can you tie my hair back?" Kylo asks.

Rey laughs and made him sit on the dinning room chair. She took her hair and tied his back into a low messy bun.

"How do I look?" He asks.

"Handsome." Rey replies smiling.

Kylo grabs Rey by the waist and pulls her on his lap. Rey squealed and hugged him.

A knock on the door broke them apart.

"My parents are here." Kylo said before opening the door.

"Oh! Han! Look at him! He's so grown up!" Leia exclaims pulling Kylo in for a hug.

Kylo laughed and hugged his mother back. Rey smiled watching the family. She wished she had one.

"Rey, you look absolutely gorgeous!" Leia squeals spinning her around, then hugging her.

"Thank you, Leia." Rey mutters.

She hugs Han next then she walks over to Kylo. He wraps his arm around her waist.

"Pictures!" Leia exclaims.

Rey and Kylo groan, but give in to Leia's demands. They take pictures until their faces hurt.

"Mom! That's enough!" Kylo says.

Leia laughs and motions for them to leave. They all get in the car and head to the school. Leia and Han go to the football stands and take their seats. Kylo and Rey head to the gym to get ready. They check in with their English teacher and get their caps and gowns. They help each with their caps before walking off the to the side.

"I can't wait for summer!" Rey says.

"My parents have a house by the beach, we can stay there for the summer." Kylo says.

Rey squeals in excitement.

"Everyone take their places!" A teacher yells.

The students scramble to take their places in line and wait to walk outside.

Since Rey had no last names she got to stay with Kylo. For graduation he had to go by his birth name, Ben Solo. Rey bounced from foot to foot as they waited for it to be time. Kylo held her hand from behind his back to calm her.

"Okay everyone, lets go!" Another teacher shouts.

All the students let out a cheer as they walk out the gym doors. All the family members and parents of all the students were standing in the bleachers watching them. Leia, Han, and Luke cheered Rey and Kylo on as loudly as possible.

Once all the students were at their seats the principal stands up.

"Thank you parents and family. Lets give the class of 2016 a nice round of applause," the principal announce, " Now please remain standing for the National Anthem."

After the anthem was done, the principal told everyone they could sit. Several teachers talked about the classes achievements and the future. Then the class valedictorian got up and talked about the future and how they will all look back on this moment.

"Now the students will be receiving their diplomas." Natala Watlady, the valedictorian announces.

The principal comes up and begins reading off names.

"Ben Solo... Rey..."

When they each take their diplomas their family screams and shouts for them. While they sat and waited for the ceremony to be over they became bored. Kylo played with small velvet box in his pocket. Rey twiddled her thumbs in her lap.

"Parents and family members it gives me great honor to present to you the graduated class of 2016!" The principal shouts clapping.

All the students yell and throw their caps in the air. From the stands it looked like a sea of white. They get their caps and wait for all the people to filter out. Kylo kisses Rey while they waited. They walk hand in hand towards his parents.

"Congrats, Kylo!" Luke says hugging him.

"Thanks uncle."

"Congrats dear." Luke says turning to Rey.

She thanks him and they hang back while they wait for the parking lot to clear out.

Kylo continues to play with the box in his pocket. Everyone but Rey knew what it was. All he needed was the right moment. He nods to his mom to signal it was her cue.

"Rey, I want to apologize for anything I did when you first met me. I wasn't in the right frame of mind. I am truly sorry darling." Leia says turning her away.

Kylo is on one knee when Rey turns back. She gasps and starts shaking her head.

"Rey, I love you with all my heart and soul. I love your sassiness, sarcasm, kindness, and everything else. You turned me to the light side again. You made me see the light of day again. I wanna wake up every morning for the rest of our lived next to you. I wanna chase you around our house with our kids. I love you baby. Will you marry me?"

Kylo holds up the box revealing a small diamond ring set on a thin silver band. It wad simple, just the way Rey liked it.

"Yes! Yes I will marry you!" Rey exclaims, kneeing to him.

Kylo slips the ring on her finger and kisses her.


A/N: Thank you for reading Together Forever. Thank you for all the reads and votes. There will be a short epilogue following. Thanks

Love C

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