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When they arrived at the venue the music was blaring. Rey smiled even more. Kylo helped her out of the car and linked their hands together. Rey swung their hands as they walked into the hall. They flashed their student IDs to the teachers at the door. They found an empty table in the back corner to put their stuff down. Dinner would be served at quarter to eight. There were a few people seated while the dance floor was packed. Rey watched the people dance. Her eyes lit up as she watched.

"Baby? Do you want to dance?" Kylo whispered in her ear.

She turned to him and nodded excitedly. She grabbed his hand and pulled him to the dance floor. She started to dance to the beat of the song. Kylo stood there and watched her. Rey grabbed his large hands and tried to get him to dance. He started to dance along after a few moments. They danced together until the DJ announced dinner was ready. Kylo held her hand as they made their way back to their table. No one sat at their table. Rey and Kylo enjoyed being alone together. Dinner was brought to each table by the waiters. Kylo held her hand throughout dinner. They made small talk while they ate.

"Can we go to the photo booth?" Rey whispers in his ear.

Kylo pulls her onto his lap and wraps his arms around her waist. Rey lets out a small giggle. Kylo places his face into her neck. Rey asked him again to go to the photo booth. Kylo nods into her neck. Rey pops of his lap and grabs his hand. She pulls him to the booth and they waited their turn. Kylo stood behind her with his arms wrapped around her. They take a seat inside the booth and set their background. The first picture they took, they were smiling. The second they kissed, the third they did a silly face, and the last one they were laughing because Rey tickled Kylo. The booth printed out two copies.

"They are so cute!" Rey exclaims looking at them once they got back to their table.

Kylo placed his copy inside his wallet so he could keep it with him.

"I love them."

Rey places her copy inside her purse. They sit at their table for a little before Rey starts to fidgety.

"Do you wanna go dance?" Kylo asks.

Rey looks at him and nods. He pulls her out to the dance floor. They danced the whole night. Rey was having the time of her life. Kylo for once in his life felt truly happy. The only time they stopped dancing was to get dessert and drinks. Near the end of the night Rey began to get tired. Kylo held her closer as they danced.

"We're going to slow it down for the night. Grab a friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, or a stranger." The DJ says.

Kylo smiled at Rey and pulled her closer. They swayed to the slow song that played through the speakers. To them it felt like they were the only people in the world. Everything around them seemed to stop.

"Thank you for tonight." Rey whispered in his ear.

"You're welcome, baby." He whispered back.

They continued to dance to the music. When the last song was played, they went back to their table to grab their things. Rey's legs felt numb from all the dance. Kylo kept an arm wrapped around her waist as they walked to the car. He helped her in before getting in the driver's side. Rey fell asleep on the ride home. Kylo smiled at her before carrying her bridal style into her house. He laid her on the bed and went back to lock the front door. He slipped her shoes off and then changed himself into a pair of sweats.

"Rey, baby. You need to wake up. That dress won't be comfortable to sleep in." Kylo whispers shaking her gently.

Rey groans and slowly opens her eyes. She rolls off the bed and grabs her pjs. She changes in the bathroom and wipes her makeup off. She groggily walks back to her bed. Rey flops onto the bed and crawls closer to Kylo. He wraps his arm around her and pulls her close. They fell asleep in each other's arms, like any other time.

They didn't wake up until ten the next morning. Kylo was the first to be up. He quietly slipped out of the room and went downstairs. He looked for something to make breakfast with. When he didn't find anything he went back upstairs and changed into jeans and a hoodie. He left a note for Rey saying he went to get breakfast.

Rey woke up about ten minutes after Kylo left. She grabbed her robe and wrapped it around herself. She went to the kitchen and made some coffee. Kylo walked in just as the coffee was done.

"Breakfast has arrived!" Kylo announces.

Rey hands him a cup of coffee as he places the plates on the table. They eat in silence and then go to the living room. Rey lays her head on Kylo's lap. He plays with her hair as they watch tv.


"Yes." She replies turning her head up so she could look at him.

"Would you want to go on a date tonight with me?" He asks looking at her.

Rey nods and kisses him.

"Dress casual. I was thinking dinner and a movie." Kylo says.

Rey cuddles into his side. They lay on the couch together until two. Rey got up and showered. Kylo left the house while she showered so he could get ready for their date. He needed to get some of his money and a new change of clothes.

Rey changed into a blue button up shirt, black jeans, black heeled ankle boots, and a tan scarf. She set her thick leather off to the side while she continued to get ready. Rey didn't bother to do her makeup and went onto her hair. She curled it into loose waves. She smiled at her reflection and went downstairs.

It didn't surprise her that Kylo wasn't there. She figured he went home to get ready. Just as she was about to sit on the couch there was a knock on the door. When she opened it Kylo was standing there with a bouquet of pink begonias.

"They're beautiful! I love them!" Rey exclaims taking them from his hand.

She places them in a vase with water and sets it on the windowsill.

"Shall we go?" Kylo asks offering his arm.

She smiles and takes his arm.

Together Forever (Modern au) (reylo au)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat