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The next morning Rey got up and showered like almost every day. She changed into a grey long sleeve top, black jeans, and black vans high tops. Rey ate her breakfast then brushed her teeth and left. She hoped to catch Kylo. She wasn't finished talking to him. Finn and Poe won't stop her from being friends with Kylo. Rey turned around when she heard footsteps behind her. It was Kylo.

"Kylo." She says staring at him.

He met her eyes and then looked away. He tried to walk past her but Rey blocked him every time.

"Rey. Stay away from me." He says trying to sound annoyed.

"No. I will not give up on trying to be your friend, no matter what anyone says." Rey replied.

Kylo sighs and shakes his head. Rey smirks knowing she won. They walk to school together. Poe and Finn watched in disgust as Kylo and Rey walked through the hall. Rey kept a smile on her face while Kylo tried to keep a straight face. Seeing Rey smile made him happy. He also knew that happiness could be taken away just as quickly as it came. In history they made small talk when they could. Kylo walked Rey to all her classes. Rey couldn't help but think about how cute he was being. Poe and Finn knew they had to deal with this. Rey and Kylo ate lunch together. It was the first time someone sat with Kylo for lunch. When they got to english the word: Project was written in big letters across the board. One by one the students groaned as they saw the word.

"Hello, class. As you can tell we are starting a project. It will be a partner project. I will be allowing you to choose your project." The teacher, Mrs. Collins says.

The class erupts into a mixture of boo's and yay's. Rey just smiled at Kylo and he nodded.

"Your project will be on a British author. You have to choose one and report to me with your choice. You will do a full report on that author and then make a presentation about it." She continues.

Some students groan. The teacher said she will give them the rest of the period to pick their author. Rey grabbed one of the books from the shelf labeled British Authors. Together they flipped through the book.

"Jane Austen or Charles Dickens?" Kylo asks.

"Jane." Rey replies.

Kylo nods and whispers it the teacher. When he returns Rey looks upset.

"What's wrong?" He whispers.

"Can we do the project at your house?" She asks.

"I guess so." Kylo mumbles.

Rey nods and gives him a tight smile. In order to do the research they needed a computer, which Rey did not have. She was provided a house and money each month for necessities. There was not enough money to get a computer. When the day was done Rey walked with Kylo home. He stopped at his mailbox.

"Just to warn you. My parents are not the best. Just ignore them and follow me." Kylo says.

Rey nods. When Kylo opens the door he could hear that his mother was home. He silently groaned. He had hoped she wouldn't have been home. Kylo grabs Rey's small hand pulls her towards the steps.

"Ben? Is that you?" His mother called.

"Who's Ben?" Rey wondered to herself.

Maybe Kylo was a nickname or something. Kylo's room looked just how Rey thought. It was dark and simple. There were a few posters across the walls. A desk with a chair was in the corner of the room.

"Your room is nice." Rey comments.

"Thanks. Do you wanna get started?"

Rey nods and pulls out her notebook.

"Let's start with background on Jane Austen." Rey says.

Kylo nods and opens his laptop. He reads the important information off the Rey so she could write it down.

"Kylo? Can you come over here so I can read the screen?" Rey asks.

He grabs the laptop and takes a seat next to her. Rey sat with the notebook in her lap. They went back and forth taking notes. The door opened and revealed Kylo's mother.

"Ben? Who is your friend? Is this your girlfriend?" She asks.

"Mom, no. Leave us." Kylo replies staring at her.

His mother gives him a glare and slams the door. Rey shook it off.

"Sorry." Kylo says looking at her.

"Its fine." Rey says giving him a short smile.

They continue to do their research until the light begins to fade.

"I better get going." Rey says noticing the fading light.

"I'll walk you." He offers.


When they get downstairs Kylo's parents were in the kitchen whispering. They both looked up when they heard the floorboards creek.

"Where are you going?" His father demands.

Kylo ignored them and opened the door for Rey. They walk to Rey's house in silence. Rey wondered why Kylo's relationship with his parents was strained. Kylo couldn't help but feel embarrassed. His mother showed her temper and his father showed his aggressive side. His parents were angry people. When they got to Rey's door, they stood there.

"I'm sorry you had to see my parents." Kylo whispers.

"It's fine." She whispers back.

She looks up at him and stares into his brown eyes. She could see the hurt and anger in them. She could also see caring in his eyes as he looked at her. She watched his eyes flicker from her eyes to her lips and back up. Rey gets up and the tips of her toes and kisses Kylo gently on the cheek. She quickly opened her door and went inside. Kylo stood there for a moment. His cheek immediately went red and got hot. He had a goofy smile on his face. Rey watched him. She let out a giggle. Kylo walked home with the grin on his face. His parents immediately noticed.

"Why do you have that stupid grin on your face? Is it that girl?" His mother asks.

"None of your business." He replies harshly.

Together Forever (Modern au) (reylo au)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ