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Kylo opened the car door and helped Rey into the passenger side. He closed the door and went over to the drivers side. He held her hand while they drove to the restaurant. Kylo didn't tell Rey where they were going, so it would be somewhat of a surprise. Rey squealed in excitement when they pulled up to her favorite restaurant. It was a little Italian restaurant in the downtown area of the city. Kylo smiled seeing Rey's reaction. He helps her out of the car and they walked into the restaurant hand in hand. Rey was beaming. The hostess was waiting at the podium with two menus in hand. She leads them to a booth in the back of the restaurant.

"Enjoy." She says walking away.

"Are you happy?" Kylo asks.

"The most happy." Rey replies holding his hand.

They flick through their menus in quiet. Ten minutes later they were approached by a young man.

"Hello, I'm Damien and I'll be your waiter for tonight. I'll start you off with your drinks." The young man says.

"I'll have a coke." Kylo says.

"Lemonade please."

Damien nods and scribbles in his notebook. He hands them their drinks five minutes later. He asked them what they would like for dinner. They order and fifteen minutes later he returns with their dinner.

"Thank you for taking me here." Rey says.

Kylo smiles and shrugs it off. He just wanted her to be happy. When they finished eating Damien brought the check. Rey grabs her wallet out of her purse and begins to take out some money.

"Rey I got this. Let me pay." Kylo says pushing the money away gently.

Rey looks at him unsure but puts the money away. She mouths thank you to him. After Damien collects the check, they leave. Kylo drives them to closest movie theater.

When they walk in they receive a few glances, mainly from the older people. Kylo paid for their tickets and they head for the snack stand. When it was their turn the teenager working was flirting with Kylo. Rey was becoming a ticking time bomb. Rey slipped her hand into his and grabbed his arm. The look on the worker's face was priceless. Rey smirked a little and Kylo smiled and let out a chuckle. The worker handed them their popcorn and drinks. They got their seats and settled in. Kylo wraps his arm around Rey's shoulders. She laid her head on his shoulder. They sat in silence while the movie played. After the movie they went back to Rey's house.

"Thank you for tonight. I really enjoyed myself." Rey said.

"No problem. I just wanted to do something nice for my girl." Kylo says kissing her cheek.

"So I'm your girl?" Rey asks with an eyebrow raised.

"Yeah- Yeah. I mean only if you want." Kylo mumbles.

Rey kisses him in response, catching him off guard. He responds moments later. They stumble to couch where they fall and continue to make out. Before it leads to anything farther Kylo stops. Rey knows why he stopped. They both wanted to wait. Rey cuddles into Kylo's side as they lay on the couch.

"What do you do for the holidays?" Kylo asked.

"Nothing really. The last foster family I was with celebrated Christmas." Rey replies.

"Would you want to spend the holidays with my family? It better because my parents aren't fighting." Kylo suggests.

"I would love to." Rey says.

Kylo nods. Rey begins to doze off and Kylo lifted her into his arms. He laid her on the bed and grabbed her pjs.

"Rey, you gotta change babe. Those jeans don't look comfortable." Kylo whispers.

Rey groans and grabs the pjs. She mutters for Kylo to turn away so she can change. She was too tired to get up. Kylo walked out of the room so she could change. He came back in when he didn't hear anymore shifting. When he came back in Rey was sound asleep. He chuckled and climbed in beside her.

Monday morning

Rey woke up and showered like usual. She dried her hair because the weather was getting colder. Kylo was still sound asleep when Rey came out of the bathroom. She changed into dark colored jeans, white t-shirt, an army green bomber jacket, and black combat boots.

"Kylo! Wake up!" Rey exclaims.

He shoots up and bounces off the bed. Rey laughs and Kylo shakes his head. He begins to chase her making Rey squeal and runs down the stairs. Kylo catches her in the kitchen and tickles her.

"Ky! Ky! Stop!" Rey squeals.

Kylo kisses her cheek and holds her. Rey smiles and tries to tickle him back. Kylo stands there smiling. He wasn't ticklish.

"I'm not ticklish, babe." Kylo says.

Rey groans and stops. Kylo heads upstairs to get done while Rey makes breakfast. He comes down dressed in dark jeans, a dark green shirt, and black leather jacket.

"Did you do this on purpose?" Rey asks handed him the shake.


Rey shakes her head and places her glass in the sink before going upstairs to brush her teeth. She came down when she was done and sat on the couch while Kylo brushed his teeth. They walked to school together hand in hand. The stares they received had gone away for the most part. No one cared anymore. Rey was thankful for not receiving anymore glances. School went by quickly. At the end of the day Rey and Kylo stood near one of the big trees on campus. Kylo stood in between Rey's legs. What happened next shocked the whole school and became the talk of the day. Kylo leaned in and kissed Rey on lips. The people around them gasped in shock. Rey groaned in Kylo's next when she heard the noises. Kylo pulled her off the bench and they walked back to Rey's house.

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