1. After All These Years...

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This was the life I had always envisioned. The sun shimmered the land below in its cold rays. Wind whistled throughout the trees' branches into the clearing atop the hill and in this beautifully secluded area of ours, where I was diving the face of Mr. Aaron Xavier into the dirt ground.

"OKAY, YOU WIN!" Aaron wailed, trying to maintain his face levitated from the ground.

"Say it," I urge him as melodiously innocent as I could feign. His thumbs were interlocked with mine, restrained behind his back while I straddled him and pressed his face deeper to the face of the earth. 

He groaned from beneath, becoming still now and allowing his cheek to press against the earthen floor. "You're the bravest, prettiest, strongest, nicest, sexiest she-wolf of the Clan and I wish I was fortunate enough to have you as my Mate."

"Aw Aaron, I'm touched. Truly, I didn't know you had it in you to say such nice to say about me," I said sounding shocked, leaning forward, twisting his wrist further.

"Yeah, I didn't know myself until just now," He rolled his eyes, wincing at the pain I was deliberating. "Would you kindly let me go now, or do you'd like to violate me any more?"

"Hey! When have I ever done anything to you?"

He gave me that hard sideways look that said it all. "This is how I show my affection to you!"

"Iva, let me go." Aaron pleaded helplessly. Since it was the two of us alone in our personal training grounds, there was sadly no one to witness the sight of me rubbing his ass to the dirt. It wasn't like I couldn't do him again in a more crowded setting, or that anyone had wouldn't have believed me if I told them I had done so.

It was a mutual understanding Aaron and I had created for one another the moment we felt like it was required. I wouldn't beat his ass publicly to others and he'd get to keep his reputation of being one of the fiercest in my father's eyes and in return, I'd get whatever I want that I knew my father would not allow: help sneaking out after hours, VIP access to clubs, pretending to take me to out so I could date others, stuff like that.

Don't me wrong, I could play goody-two shoes and I do when I want, but a girl's gotta live. Also, to my dad -and I- Aaron was like my older brother, sworn to protect me when my father couldn't because of his work as Alpha. Aaron never seemed to object otherwise either.

He sounds so much better when he's pleading to us, my wolf, Renee whistled. I couldn't help but agree.

"Ah no."

"Please Iva. Your dad's just mind linked me to come and drop by his office." Aaron was the my dad's Beta, his second in command and his right-hand, Beta Lucius's son. It should make him one of the 'almighty' Warriors due to the fact he was next in line to get the Beta title but it never prevented me to beat his ass relentlessly. Beta's son my ass.

I consider for a moment, titling my head in thought. "Buy me McDonald's for lunch."

"Done," He said without a second thought. "It's actually breakfast for you since you haven't eaten anything yet."

"Shut up smartass. And no stopping me from buying the whole combo deal and when they ask to upsize my fries, and don't expect me to share any of it especially with such a pig like yourself," I warned, drawing the borders clearer than ever.

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