3. Truth Behind Bars...

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Do you know what is worse than being thrown into a jail cell of the royal palace by male escorts? Well, it's certainly not being thrown into a jail cell of the Royal palace by male escorts because they weren't even hot, so don't go here. But rather, being in one with a hungry stomach. The service of this place was just as bad as a crappy restaurant drive-through.

When I woke up, I was being thrown into a cell by a pair of mean looking brothers, -both fairly young and blond, one with eyes as dark as a forest and the other with eyes of an owl- who both regarded me with same level of concern they most supposedly gave their trash. The cell looked like it hadn't ever met a broom, cobwebs stringing along the silver bars separating me from the guards. There wasn't any window and no one else in any of the other cells that I could recall when being dragged in. Just the three of us.

Shifting to my wolf back in the forest had ripped my clothes and now I was dressed in a filthy red tattered dress with the sleeves torn off and probably of some girl half my size. I don't remember wearing it but once I got my hands on who did, someone was going to loose a very particular genitalia no matter it be a man or woman. I hated the thought of someone else changing me and seeing my naked body without consent.

My neck ached greatly, and I felt even more violated. When rubbing my lower neck, the dried scraps of blood told me all I needed. I was mortified, and pleaded the guards for a mirror. Giving me a slew of curses and names, the emerald eyed one shut me and I knew I wasn't getting any help from that duo even if the walls were to cave in and kill me. Dusting a lonely corner before sitting upon the cement floor, I chewed on my lips to keep myself from crying out loud. It was hard not too though.

I wanted to go home. I wanted to embrace Aaron so I could apologize over and over again. I wanted my dad more now than the time of mom's death. Not only did I have a desire to go home, I also couldn't help but fear for my future. Guess I wasn't going to get to try some Canadian Ice Caps anytime soon. I'd be forgotten here in the shadows of the throne, labeled a traitor or something.

The aching of my neck was definitively still here, now only a mild throb I could push to the back of my head. When I was certain the troll brothers weren't looking, I rose the hem of my dress just above my navel to uncover even more dried scarlet scabs peeling off. I was more shock on how I hadn't bleed to my death judging on the bloody flakes and a scar the size of my forearm. If I weren't mistaken, I felt as if I were bitten.

The growling of my stomach from hunger intensified the pain. Biting my lip, I swore. What did an injured girl have to do around here to get something to eat?

Swallowing the sour bile on my tongue, I decided wishing alone wasn't going to save me. Trying to lower myself ever so slowly, I rest my head on the ground, pretending it was earthen, hoping to get some sleep. It I were to die in a few hours, I'd want to go without bags under my eyes.

The floor was just as cold as the wall, so cold that I began trembling. Wrapping my bare arms around one another, sleep beckoned with a finger into the darkness and I went sprinting.


"Wake up princess. Time to get going," A loud voice rang within the cells. Unexpectedly startled, I doubled over and cursed for reacting so fast. The pain hadn't lowered since last time I was conscious, and was still an unbearable ache in the midst of my abdominal region.

"What for?" I hiss, still cradling my stomach while holding myself up. There was a soft red velvet cloak twisted around my waist down. It carried an oddly faint scent of sweet summer berries that I seemed to enjoy too much; I just wanted to bury my face in the cloth. I didn't remember have it draped over me the night before, and nor did I have any memory of my cell door creaking open in my slumber. Still, I could bet a thousand dollars I didn't own it wasn't the any of the brothers to be generous.

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