2. From Afar...

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"RELEASE HER!" Boomed a male voice, stepping into the opening with frantic eyes. His hand went to the closet tree's bark, trying to keep himself upright as he studied the scene from afar.

The young man had quickly regained his composure, leaning off the tree's support and striding swiftly towards to the fallen. Even in the early stages of twilight, he could see everything clearly. Nearly tripping over his own feet, he went dashing. "I said let her go!"

The wolf reluctantly withdrew from snacking on the body, shooting his darkened eyes accusingly at the young man. He didn't hesitate in returning the glare with a pulse or two, his own inner wolf emitting through his eyes. The golden ring flashes were exchanged, the two men in heavy resentment shared through one another's eyes.

The fallen female gave a moan from agony, catching the first man attention. He bent down to his knees before her, trying to examine the wound but instead was abstracted to the girl's profound beauty. Her fur was a glorious golden brown, the colour of rich caramelized chocolate which made the young man want to stroke it endlessly.

Blood oozing her wound redirected the man's attention. He kept a hand on for pressure. It was coming out faster than a minute ago, her body slowly growing limper in his arms. It wasn't long before her fur resided, and under his arm was the bare flesh of her skin, entirely naked.

She was young, like no more than 18 young young. Her skin in some places were marred with faint white scars, as in her knees and arms, even the lowest cranny of her neck where a tattoo inked her skin, just under her slightly protruding collarbone. She had splendid dark chocolate locks, but it was nothing compared to the golden brown fur.

They said the fur shade was always determined by eye colour in most cases, for the eyes were the window to the soul and the soul was the fragment of the wolf's presence in the person. Just by obvious observation she was a she-wolf, shapeshifter or werewolf yet undetermined. I don't care, a part of him said, his wolf most likely.

Regardless, he knew what had to be done. He wanted to do it badly, for he had always did even though he imagined the circumstances would be different. His inner demon's possession was growing impossible to contain. It wanted out. It wanted control. It wanted her.

"Whatever you're planning on you doing, you better have an explanation to give mother of your actions," A voice behind him admonished. It was neither concerned or impolite.

"You're going to let me do it?" The man holding her hung his hand.

"I certainly won't be stopping you," He spoke softly, it was near to impossible to tell if he had even said it.

"Make your decision already lover-boy! Some other are waiting here on the line to death as well you know." Another voice snapped angrily from the other side.

"He's right you know," agreed the first man tiredly. "The more she slips further and further away, the more it'll be impossible to revive her. Do what must be done, now."

"Oh boo hoo. Don't mind me interrupting. It won't be long now. I can wait."

A snarled was unleashed in his direction by the second man. "Can you not?"

"Heaven's no! Who would entertain you as much as me if I were to die? Certainly not our stuck-up Katniss Everdeen here."

They both left the man with the woman in his arms out of the bickering. The young man wished the situation were different in every way. That she'd be conscious, they get to know each other, come to an understanding before fully committing to this. He didn't even know her name. His finger traces the line where her tattoo was just under the collarbone.

Whoever you are, I'm sorry for this. For everything that has happened and going to happen. Just know I never wanted things to be like this. I promise to whoever you are I'll make this right between us. One way or the other. His brushed the hair from her neck back and brought his lips down the spot wielded between her neck and shoulder, just above from where her collarbone began. Planting a firm kiss to familiarize the area to his touch, his demonic canines reacted instinctively from this point. The canines glided in with ease, piercing her angelic skin. Her body grew feverish in his arms. She cried out, clutching onto him with her nails digging into his back, tears rolling her cheek and slipping down to where his mouth was.

The man did not know what he was right or not, but the demon within was satisfied for now.


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