5. Which Hall?

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You weak dim-witted peabrain, Reneé cursed. With 16 years worth of vocabulary, you say 'don't follow' to your Mate -who, worth mentioning, is also a royal! Has being thrown into a cell fucked up your head in some way? What happened to your witty smartass comments when flirting?

I couldn't help it, I wheezed, hugging my arms and reminding myself to keep my head down as I past people going by. Gratefully and unfortunately, he was a gentleman who listened and not moved an utmost inch to tag along.  I felt as if I were having another one of those panic attacks I used to have back when mom died, where you know the air gets stuffy and warm, black spots spot my vision, my knees become jello, ears rung as if someone were banging on a church bell next to them and do you know that I was ready to-

-All of which will happen when meeting your Mate. Your mom's been dead for years now Iva, move on already! She yelled before sighing and softening her tone after. You might just be overthinking all this. The attacks stopped years after it started, you could've mistaken the symptoms Iva.

Reneé, just leave me alone, I halted. Realizing the mistake from her part, she left with a cold numbness behind in my head. I sniff and tug on the skin below my eyes to help dry up my eyes. In all these years, the one skill I managed to develop was how to hide your tears from other's eyes to see.

Mother's death was hard on everyone for they all loved her a great lot. She was the one on whose shoulder people would cry on, the one to make honey tea and ask about your day before even mentioning about hers, the one to could you make you feel better about yourself when no one would and kiss all your imperfections away. After her death, it wasn't only dad and me in mourning.

Her passing was what caused my uncontrollable panic attacks and unexplained nervous breakdowns. It had stopped gracefully and even the doctors said I was recovering well beyond my age until now. I turned my back to the one of the many buildings pillar, my knees bucking and my back scratched the cold stone on my descent down to my feet.

My breathing became ragged and I was soon wheezing from breathlessness. The surroundings became a blend with the darkness creeping in from the corner, my body ached suddenly and my vision was soon compromised with spots.

I held the ground to help with the tears blinding my eyes, my head drooped and my eyes were fluttering to remain open.

Hours could've ticked by and I wouldn't have been able to recall any of it, my mind occupied by the sense of dread pooling in the lowest pit of stomach. Due to my head being hung, I couldn't tell when another's footsteps was coming fast in my direction, a pin like object jabbed by my elbow.

"W-what have-e you given-n me?" I groaned as I felt the substance burning my bloodstream like a jolt of caffeine. I then gasp when feeling it went to through my heart, easing down before disappearing shortly after.

"Hush now. Focus your attention to your breathing." Aiden held two firm hands on my arms forcing me to be upright. "In and out, nice and easy. There you go."

When the heaving receded, my head cleared and I felt the blood rush back to my feet, I rose with along side Aiden and his hand on my back to keep me from falling. A blush flushed my cheeks when I noticed Aiden watching, regarding me from head to toe. "No need to check me out, I already know I look gorgeous."

He rose an eye, loosening his shoulders. I never really got to appreciate how grey his eyes were, how they seemed to be translucent under the candle light from chandeliers above. His lips twitched into a grin which looked more holy than crooked. "I never said otherwise your Highness, unless you have some desire."

"I will stab you with my heel," I deadpan.


"What did you inject me with Aiden?" The sun had set over the horizon, casting a glorious shade of bright orange-red with golden drifting clouds. Hundreds to thousands of candles were alit in the looming chandeliers of the half covered hall framing the garden, leaving the few dozen flaming torches ablaze in the perimeter of the square seeming lonely with the darkness soon creeping in.

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