7. Tick Tock, Tick Tock

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Oh sweet god of sex, thank you for gracing us with your presence, Reneé prayed as if she were praying before a final exam.

Reneé, I sigh, gathering the hem of my gown to climb the staircase to the hallway of the bedroom. Gabriel promised he'd be back sooner or later, though I believe he would come to sleep after naming every star in the night sky by how he had said and I quote 'go get some sleep Iva, I'll be in shortly but if I don't, don't be shocked or too concerned to come looking for me.'

He seemed content and less mechanical out in the open than back in the ballroom. He certainly looked different, more calm when his arms were lazily outstretched over his propped up knees, fingers playing around with some thread. The veins on his forearm, as much as they scared me shitless, were hot and proving to be a challenge for myself to behave.

I was needing to fan myself the second I got away, after all the time he spent admiring me with those ambers eyes under the moonlight. I may not as innocent as I could easily feign to be. As a female, I take pride in eyeing beautiful things and that man..oofff, was a work of art, one that God had certainly taken his time in creating.

The hallway seemed to stretched for a long while before I got to the room like how Gabriel had instructed. The gown was starting to weigh me down. I kicked the heels off the second I stepped foot inside, the cool wooden floor meeting my aching feet and propped onto the bed against the headboard watching the stars outside through the uncovered balcony like I had with Gabriel moments ago on the star touched rooftop. I appreciated the time away from him right now, because I could recall some of our conversation and reminisce about how good it felt to have a crush again.


"I feel stupid. I should stop talking now."

"Why?" He looked at me with genuine curiosity.

"Because! You just heard me ramble on about why the Camorra Chronicles has a better found family trope than the Twisted Series, and I spoiled the first three books!"

"I like hearing you talk so passionately. It's okay." Gabriel said without knowing the affect it had on me. I felt speechless.

"Okay," I whispered. "Pineapple on pizza?"

"God no."

"You're boring! It makes it sweet! Who doesn't enjoy sweet things?"

"Never put fruit on my pizza Iva."

"Are royals even allowed to have pizza? If so, I'll purposefully add mango chucks now."

"Yes we can. But don't you even-" he dead pans, more serious than I've ever seen with furrowed brows.

"Your turn, shoot a question," I sung as I stretched forward over my knees, feeling my back stretch nicely.

He paused for a second. "This is a personal one but I would like to know. You don't have to answer, just tell me if you're uncomfortable. Are you a shapeshifter or werewolf?"

"Werewolf," I said instantly, shaking my head. "That's not a personal question to me Gabe. Personal questions I wouldn't feel comfortable answering right now include, but are limited to, asking about my next period or if the bra I'm wearing had been washed recently."

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