Age is just a number-A teacher student affair.

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*Ashley's POV*

I woke up to the sound honking cars and the gleaming sun shine through my door to my balcony. I forgot how loud it was in New York. This last year I've been in New Zealand with my family. We just wanted to take a family trip and that brought us closer together. I was so tired lately and all I wanted to do was go to a local starbucks and read my favorite book 'how to kill a mocking bird' for the 3rd time. After minutes of deciding what to do today, I jumped out of bed and walked over to my closet. Most of my things I still needed to unpack, so I just threw on my green love army dress from forever 21 and my preppy blazer from Aritzia. My bare feet were cold on my hardwood floor as I walked to my full length mirror. My outfit looked like a mess but it was decent for today. My wavy brown hair just fell off my shoulders. I have always thought my big brown eyes were my best feature. A lot of people say I look like Lucy Hale.

Seconds later Isabella, our maid walked in with a pile of new sheets and started to strip the sheets off my king size bed.


"Yes Ms.Ashley?" she asked.

"Um is my mom still home?"

"Yes she should be eating breakfast still."

This made me happy. Usually my mom is at work and doesn't return until late at night. As soon as I flung open my bedroom door I could instantly smell the greasy bacon, and oranges. The chef must be making fresh orange juice today. I rushed downstairs only to see my mom reading the newspaper and my younger 15 year old brother texting on his phone.


"Morning sweetheart" my mom sang. "Where are you going" she added.

"I think I'm gonna go to starbucks on 1st avenue. Is that okay?

"Yes that's fine. Have fun. Oh and I think maybe you should meet up with Sophia, Madison, and Elizabeth. I bet they're happy your back!"

"I don't think they even know I'm back."

"Oh. Well give em a call."

I grabbed my macbook pro and stuffed it into my canvas messenger bag.

Sophia, Madison, and Elizabeth were my 3 best friends. Well they were. We kinda just stopped talking to one another after the 6 months I was in New Zealand. I don't know what happened. We just stopped talking and they stopped hang out. I have no idea why. It might be the fact that our other best friend,leader of our group-queen bee-died a year ago. Her name was Rachelle. She was perfect in every way. All the boys loved her, she got perfect grades and she looked absolutely flawless. She had beautiful naturally wavy/curly blonde hair, she has big blue sparkling eyes, perfect shaped lips, and a perfect heart shaped face. One night we having a sleepover and she said she'd be back but she never came back that night. We were all scared. The police came and we said she said she'd be back and she never did. She just vanished. There was a huge search for her. The 'missing' posters still hang but nobody really pays attention since it's been almost a year since her vanish.

Instantly my mind went back to reality when I realized I was at starbucks. It felt as if I were walking for 5 minutes when really it was a 20 minute walk. My arm flung the door open. It was quiet and I could hear faintly hear the song 'cooler than me' playing.

"Can I help you?"

"Ya I'll get a Caramel frappuccino. Thanks."

My first sip of the frappuccino was delicious. The 1st sip is always the best. I sat at the table where Rachelle, Sophie, Madison, and Elizabeth would sit. It was located in the corner and it was pretty quiet there. I pulled out my macbook pro, how to kill a mocking bird and of course my iPhone. I was now ready to get lost in my thoughts for the day.

*Noah's POV*

I could feel the sun beam down on my back as I walked through the streets on the upper east side. It's peaceful yet so loud due to the cars, honking, and people yelling. That's the beauty of New York. All I wanted right now was a coffee. My eyes darted to the nearest coffee shop which happened to be a starbucks. Not my favorite coffee but it was decent. I continued to walk in that way. I strolled looking inside starbucks windows when I see a beautiful girl maybe around the age of 17, reading one of my favorite books 'how to kill a mockingbird'. It stunned me to see a teenager like her reading literature. Most teen girls these days think they have something better to do like shop and get all the school jocks. She had perfect wavy brown hair and she had sparkling eyes. Anyways I entered to the smell of fresh coffee beans and chocolate. The song 'cooler than me' just ended and the start of 'flashing room' continued instantly after. It didn't take me long to order my coffee. I decided to sit. Maybe take a look in the news? Nah I never read the papers. I'll just sit and observe. As I was walking to an empty table my foot got caught leg of an empty chair and my coffee flew out of my hands onto the table. The girl sitting there was stunned as she was reading before I tripped. Wait this is the girl I saw before I came in.

"Shit I'm so sorry." I apologized.

"Oh my god, my macbook! "

" I am so sorry. Is your macbook broken? I can pay for the damage."

"No no it's fine. It was an accident."

Wow that really wasn't the reaction I expected. Afterall I spilt coffee all over her cell, macbook, and some even spilt over the edge onto her green summer dress.

"I feel so bad." I ran to grab napkins.

"Don't worry about it."

She grabbed some of the napkins and started to help out. It didn't take long until all the coffee soaked up into the paper napkins. I apologized once again and shook her hand. She looked up at me looking like a lost puppy and I couldn't help but stare into her eyes.

I was finding this akward so I finally said "so I can see your reading 'how to kill a mockingbird?'.

"Yes it's my favorite. I love the themes in this and storyline. I could read it over 100 times and never get sick of it."

" Wow. It's my favorite too." I continued while taking a seat. "Is it okay that I sit here?"

"...sure go ahead."

Age is just a number-a teacher student love affairWhere stories live. Discover now