~chapter 2~

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*Ashley's POV*

Wow this random guy just spilt coffee all over my macbook! I mean I'm not mad or anything because it's not damaged but I mean...I don't even know. Once he shook my hand I just instantly felt a feeling inside me that made me want to melt. When I looked at him I just looked into his deep bright blue eyes. I've never seen that bright of blue. He smiled at me. His smile was absolutely perfect. He has spiky blonde hair and i loved the way he spoke. He was wearing light jean trousers which fitted him perfectly, and a red shirt with 1901 on the front. It made him look really cute. Wait what am I saying? I just met this guy. His favorite book also happened to be 'how to kill a mocking bird'. That surprised me. After he told me this he sat down and started to fiddle with his empty coffee cup.

"Well I should really get a new coffee" he finally said, breaking the silence.

At that moment he stood up and ordered a new coffee. I was surprised to see him carrying a coffee and a carmel frappuccino. Oh mine was finished. I didn't even realize till now.

He handed the cup to me and all I could do at first was smile.

"You really didn't have to do that." I think I blushed while taking the cup from him.

"Well it's the least I could do."

I don't know why but I just really wanted to know more about him.

" Um ...So tell me about yourself."

" Well I just got my major in english! I graduated from Yale. "

" Wow impressive. I'm thinking of also majoring in english. I've been dreaming of going to Yale forever."

We both just sat in silence for a while. I didn't know what to say. All I could do was stare at his perfect features.

"What's your name?"

"Ashley. Yours?"


Minutes which felt like hours passed and I started to pack up my stuff. I think it was time to go.

Noah saw me pack up my things and stand up. I told him it was nice meeting him and I had to go. He looked saddened by this and asked if we could meet again.

"Ok sure. Um...Well actually I don't have plans right now. Want to come walk with me?"

"I would love to."

I can't believe I actually asked him to join me to take a walk with me but there was a feeling I had that didn't want to let this stranger go. I mean I loved the way he looked at me and his perfect smile grinning at me. It was weird that I met him just this morning. It feels like I've known him for decades.

*Noah's POV*

It caught me off guard when Ashley asked me to take a walk with her. As we strolled out of starbucks I could feel the sudden wind in my face.

"So where exactly are we going?"

"Well I was thinking of walking to central park. It's a beautiful day and I clearly need the excersise."

"But your as skinny as a twig!"

All she could do was laugh. It wasn't long until trees, people on bikes, kids, and dogs surrounded us. She was right. It was the perfect day for a walk. The sun perfectly peaked through the trees. The tree's leaves swayed in the wind. It wasn't long before we started to talk about the books we like to read, the music we like, and even movies. It was weird. We seemed to have everything in common. I couldn't help but loved the way she spoke. The way her hair blew in the wind. The way she looked up at me. I know I shouldn't be falling for someone whom I had just met. But something inside me wanted her to be mine. As we got further into central park I spotted a few benches and sat down. Ashley followed and we rested in the shade. I started to daze off surrounded by my thoughts when I heard an MGMT ringtone. Ashley searched her bag until she finally pulled out her iPhone?


I listened to her talk into her phone until she was finally finished the conversation.

"Hey I'm gonna go. I have figure skating I forgot about and need to go home and change. Thanks for joining me on the walk."

"Do you need me to walk you back?"

"No I'm fine. Thank you."

She smiled at me and stared at me for the longest time.

I didn't want this to be a final goodbye.

"Can I have your number?"

I could tell she was unsure but she finally said yes. I handed her my phone and she handed me hers and I installed my number into her phone. Took a picture and added it into my contact. She did the same and I said my goodbye. I just hope we'd see each other again one day and talk some more.

As she walked away, I couldn't help but watch until she was out of sight. She walked perfectly. Like a model would. Just before she disappeared I saw her turn around and smile. And then she left. I continued to gaze at the picture she took on my phone. The lighting was perfect and the way she smiled made me develop a feeling that made me want to melt. I've never felt this way before. All I could do was stand there and think about her and what just happened.

Age is just a number-a teacher student love affairWhere stories live. Discover now