~chapter 5~

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*OMG guys havent written in FOREVER!! haha well enjoy and please comment! love it hate it?*

*Ashley's POV*

I walked into the somewhat large building otherwise known as my school. It was the first day back and I couldn't wait to see Elizabeth. She's one the friends I kept close with. I had my summer spritzer dress on, my down by the banks sandals, a black tightly fitted blazer from TNA on(not buttoned up btw), my blue canvas bag messenger bag, and of course, my black raybans. I had a red lipstick on and my hair was in a side braid. I looked pretty good !

"ASHLEY!" I heard someone scream. Turning my head slightly I could see Elizabeth running towards me.

"LIZZY!" I shouted as we went in for a hug. "Omg I haven't seen you forever!"

"I know ! You look incredible! ! we have sooo much to catch up on! Like the fact Kyle has grown up soo much this last year! He is sooo smoking HOT!!"

I chuckled and linked my arm through hers as we went to homeroom. I walked inside to see the regular cheerleaders huddling gossiping in the far corner by the window, the football boys sitting on their desk passing a football around while a wannabe group just started to watch a flirt with them. Then there was the few loners sitting at their desks drawing on the desks with a new pencil. 'Way to make a mark' I thought to myself. Then there was the nerds at the front of the class passing some papers to each other that had some sort of nerd equation that was probably college level. I took my seat behind the center desks with Elizabeth and we started to talk about latest gossip.

" So look I heard we have a new teacher. Mr.O'Conner. " she stated.

"hmmm...what subject?" The name 'O'conner' sounded very familiar.

" Chemistry! "

" What happened to Mr.Lewis?"

"He got fired."

"Haha why?" I laughed while asking

"Apparently he came to school drunk and got in a fight with one of the football guys."

"Oh wow haha he will be missed...well not really."

"Haha I so agree!"

The whole class silenced once Ms.Jackson our homeroom teacher entered. She was not tall but not exactly short. She had really pretty strawberry blonde hair and she didn't really look very strict. More like the quiet type who kept a lot to herself. She was wearing a black cardigan, a black tight skirt which seemed a little bit to short for a teacher, and a white blouse. She was also wearing black mary jane shoes which I had, but in red. Her eyes seemed sad and she looked like she didn't want to be here at all. She took out a piece of paper and started calling out names. It didn't take long to go through the list.

"Elizabeth Taylor"

"Here !"

Elizabeth shot up her hand. Ms.Jackson nodded and kept going


finally my name was called.

"Ashley Rose"

I put up my hand slowly and looked her in the eye. She smirked and continued.

'She smirked? What? Did I have something on my face I didn't know about or something? I let it slide and I just started to think about Noah again. I wondered what he was doing and when I'd see him again. I snapped out of thought once Ms.Jackson was standing in front of my desk asking me to hand out class schedules for the year. She handed me them while smiling and walked of to her desk talking about stuff about her blah blah blah. I went around handing them out to everyone. I finished handing them out and went straight back to my desk. I looked at mine noticing that today I had Math first period, AP english for the next 2 , lunch, free period, and the chemistry for the next 2. 'Wow boring day' I thought.

Age is just a number-a teacher student love affairWhere stories live. Discover now