~chapter 3~

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*Ashley's POV*

I scurried through central park. All I could see in my mind was Noah. I couldn't believe it. I just met this guy! He could be some psycho path. I started to think the worst when suddenly I could only think of him more. He was such a sweet guy and he seemed perfect. I wanted to see him again. At my surprise Mark, our family's driver, was at the curb waiting for me. He was a good guy. I've known him basically in forever! I can tell him basically anything and he, believe it or not, gives me advice. Walking towards the car I instantly spotted him leaning against the doors. He straightened up once he saw me heading towards the black BMW. I would say, he has pretty good posture for a 30 something year old. I felt bad for him considering he was wearing a black tux on a hot day but he seemed to not mind. His Black blueish hair made his eyes stand out and making him look pretty attractive. I've always thought that but he was more of a 2nd father to me than a driver.

"Greetings kid"

"Hey mark! Good to finally see you. How did you know I was here?"

"Your mom called and told me you forgot about figure skating. You don't think you could make it home and get ready in under 20 mins without being late did you?"

"Haha no mark."

Opening the door I could smell a sudden scent of new leather and apple pie. Mark must of stopped for some of those nasty Mcdonald's apple pies.

"So tell me what have you been up to? What'd you do in central park?"

I stuttered for a bit debating whether or not I should tell him. But hey I tell him everything. I took a deep breath and started to explain. All he did was smirk and kept driving.

"He was the most amazing guy. We have so much in common and he was the perfect guy. He seemed like someone in my fantasy world. I'm deciding whether or not I should go meet again with him."

"You should. He sounds like someone you really like. Out of all the guys you've told me about, I've never seen you so happy or excited about a guy!"

I was silent for the rest of the ride back to the penthouse but my thoughts were going out of control. Should I see him? I don't know.

Getting out of the car exhaling in fresh air, was a relief. It wasn't long until I was back into the car wearing lulu lemon pants, a light blue yoga shirt, and of course my TNA grey jacket. My hair was done up in a messy bun and a black thin headband. It's been so long since I've been to the rink here and I was so excited to see everyone and CJ my coach. She was amazing.

Stepping onto the rink was weird since I haven't been skating for basically a month. Going from skating everyday to not going for a month has been tough. Skating's my passion and I think it's the one thing I'm good at. It wasn't long until I was back to my normal fast skating self doing triple axels, toe loops, intense spins! I couldn't stop thinking about Noah though. I was starting to lose focus. Falling everytime my triple axel came. Cj approached me after seeing this a few times.

"Ashley what's wrong? You always land your axels."

"I just can't focus."

"And why is that?"

I really didn't want to mention Noah so I just decided to say I've been sick. Surprisingly she believed it and told me to take a break.

Grabbing my phone, I sat down and unlocked it. Pressing the contact screen I went to enter a name. 'NOAH O'CONNER'

*Noah's POV*

Hearing my phone beep startled me as I was taking a nap. I snatched my phone from the side table. Looking at the screen it read "ONE NEW TEXT". I started to get butterflies in my stomach considering it might be from Ashley. Sure enough it was.

It read: Hey Noah. It's Ashley. I was wondering if you wanted to maybe hang out again? Maybe go for lunch? Or another coffee? Haha. text back (=

It made me smile. Of course I wanted to see her again. She was all I could think about.

I texted so fast it made my thumbs hurts: Sure let's meet at javabeans. They have the best coffee. I little bit past 1st. Let's meet at 6pm. See you then.

She instantly texted back: Sounds great. See you then.

At least I had something to look forward to tonight, than sit in my lonely apartment watching destroyed in seconds.

*hey guys!! third chapter!! I'm so I'm a beginner writer and I know this is shit but I wanted to write! Anyways I know in my description I say he's her teacher. Well so far I haven't gotten to the start of school and I will soon! promise! i just thought the characters should get to know each other first. You know! Please comment on what I can do to improve! Thanks!

Age is just a number-a teacher student love affairWhere stories live. Discover now