~chapter 9~

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Ashley's POV**

I was so upset. I stormed right out of the room stomping all the way until I got to the exit. I was in no mood to go on the bus today so I just decided to walk home. It was along walk but I didn't care. As soon as I left the building I could feel the sun shining down on me. The leggings under my skirt however was making me sweat. It was already close to sundown and I still didn't get home yet. It was probably another 20 minutes until I was home. I wanted to get home the fastest way possible so I chose to go down a back alley. It gotten pretty dark and I couldn't really see that far ahead of me. It felt weird being in a dark alley when it was dark. I stopped suddenly when I heard footsteps behind me. I heard evil snickers behind me and that made my heart race. My legs picked up a pace so I was speed walking.

My heart stopped when I heard voices. I turned my head to see about 3 guys behind me. Following me.

"Hey sexy." One of them called. I could tell they were drunk by their voices. I heard a bam behind me and saw out of the corner of my eye, that one of the guys had tripped over their own feet.

I ran but they were so close, that I felt a strong grasp hold me wrists.

"Where do you think your off to?" I turned to face him. He was taller than the other two. He had black spiky hair and I could smell the strong scent of beer. His lips formed a perfect smirk while holding my wrists. He held on so tight it hurt.

"Please let go of me." I started to say while panicking inside. Great this is just what I needed. To get kidnapped and then I'll be in the news. I could see the headlines now 'girl suddenly disappears one night'. I tried to struggle out of his tight grip but I couldn't. I swung my knee up and knee'd him in the stomach. He bent over slightly from pain.

"You fucking slut." His grip loosened and I had a chance to escape. I started to run away when I felt someone tug at my hair. I yelped while stumbling back. One of the other guys had pulled my hair and then grabbed me around the waist. He pushed me against the wall causing my head to slam on the brick wall. I started to feel dizzy after that. He forced my hands on the wall so I couldn't move. I attempted to wiggle free from the grip he had on my wrists but I failed. He forced his lips on mine and I panicked even more. His kiss tasted like morning breath and vodka. YUK i almost puked. I truly wish I had. I turned my head so he could no longer force his slimy lips on mine.

"HEY save some for us! You know how I'm always up for a little game night tonight! "

"GET YOUR FUCKING HANDs OFF OF ME! " I screamed and struggled to get free.

"DON'T YOU EVER TALK TO ME LIKE THAT AGAIN." With that he raised his arm and slapped me hard across the face. I couldn't feel the sting until a minute after. He let go of me and pushed me to the ground. Before I had time to react, the first guy kicked me in the head. I instantly covered my head with my arms for the first kick hurt like hell. The 3rd guy just stood there the whole time chuckling as if this were entertainment to him. He didn't fight me or anything. I almost forgot there was a 3rd guy until I heard his loud nasty laugh. I felt a sudden pain in my stomach and became winded once the two guys took turns kicking me in the stomach.

"Okay I think we've had enough fun now. She's done. She won't be any fun tonight. Leave her here to rot."

With that, I could hear them stumble off around the corner and disappear into the darkness. I started to cry and tried to force myself up. I fell to the ground once my legs were fully standing upright. My weak body slammed to the ground and I lied there waiting for help. Wait what the hell? I was in a back alley and no one would ever come and help me. God what was I thinking? I should of just took the bus. I want Noah. I want him to come and comfort me. I am in so much pain. My ribs felt like they were broken, my right leg felt broken and numb, I had a major headache and I knew I had a broken heart. I blacked out shortly after yelping in pain.

Age is just a number-a teacher student love affairWhere stories live. Discover now