Chapter 12

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* This chapter is also in Patrick's point of view! You'll see why :)

~ Patrick ~

I drove. I drove quickly. I was a block away from Lyra. I was so close. She needed me. I was almost there. The ambulance would be on its way. Sarah and Pete would make sure of it. They wouldn't leave me to help Lyra alone. Everyone was doing all they could. Lyra's friends would be at the house soon. Pete and Sarah would have to explain everything. Those poor girls.

I reached the alley and only saw one body. It was Lyra. I jumped out of my car as quickly as I could and ran to her. I checked for a pulse. Nothing. She couldn't be dead. I couldn't live without her. There was a gash in her head that was bleeding freely. I took off my flannel, leaving only a t-shirt on. I pressed the wadded up flannel to the gash in an attempt to stop the bleeding. I lay her on her back, keeping the flannel on her head, and performed CPR. About two or three minutes later, the ambulance arrived and the paramedics rushed over to us.

"How long has she been down?" one asked me.

"I'm not sure," I said. The other one took over CPR while I was taken to the side.

"Are you Patrick Stump?" I was asked. I nodded. "And this is Lyra?" I nodded again. "How long had you been performing CPR?"

"About two or three minutes," I replied. "She didn't have a pulse when I got to her." I started crying. "Please, just help her. I can't lose her."

"We'll do everything we can to help her," he replied before rushing to the ambulance and rolling out a gurney. He loaded her on with the help of a third paramedic. They loaded her into the ambulance.

"Do you want to ride with her?" the female paramedic asked. I nodded and jumped in with them, my phone in my pocket and my car forgotten. I'd have Pete and Sarah pick it up on the way. I took Lyra's hand while the paramedics tried to get her heart beating again. 

We were almost to the hospital when her heart jumped. She was alive, but just barely. Her heart rate was low, barely beating at all, but it was there. I sighed in relief. They hooked her up to more machines and when we reached the hospital, I had to let go of her hand. I was in tears. The paramedics updated the doctors who were waiting and they rushed her inside. One looked back and me and made them stop. She motioned for someone to approach me. I was soon approached by a man in light blue scrubs. He wasn't any older than I was.

"Are you the person who found her?" he asked.

"She's my daughter," I replied, still crying. "I adopted her last week. How could I have let this happen to her?"

"Come with me," he said. "I'll take you to the waiting area and you can call whoever you need to. We'll keep you updated if you'd like us to." I nodded and followed him inside. He led me to the waiting area. I paced while I called everyone. I called Pete first.

"Hello?" he answered. "Did you get to her? Is she okay? Where are you? Did the ambulance reach you in time? What's happening?"

"She's in the E.R." I said. "They're going to keep me updated. Get Sarah and Lyra's friends and come to the hospital. Pick up my car on the way. I'm calling the others. Please, Pete, just get here soon. I can't do this on my own."

"We're out the door now," he answered quickly. "Is everything okay?"

"I'm at the hospital with Lyra," I said. "Pete, Sarah, and Lyra's friends are on their way. Please get here soon."

"We'll be there as soon as we get back to the house," Andy replied quickly. Pounding footsteps told me him and Dallon were sprinting. "Do I need to call anyone?"

Alone Together {Patrick Stump}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя