Chapter 14

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*It will now be back to Lyra's point of view until I let y'all know! Enjoy the new chapter!

I felt Patrick. I actually felt him hands holding one of mine. For the first time in what seems like forever, I felt more alive than I had in who knows how long. He was whispering into my hand. I could barely hear him, but I knew he wanted me to wake up, to squeeze his hand, anything. I wanted to, but I didn't know how. I wanted to wake up and see his face again. I wanted to see him, and Pete, and Joe and Andy. I wanted to hear them, see them, talk to them, feel them hugging me tightly like they used to. 

I gathered up all of my strength. I was going to gently squeeze his hand, whether it used all of my energy or not. Whether it killed me or not. I wanted him to know I heard him, that I felt him. I gathered up all the strength I could muster and squeezed his hand. He dropped my hand as he jumped up. I heard a fuzzy voice on the other side of me that sounded like Pete's, but I wasn't sure. The person and Patrick both grabbed each hand, and I knew it was Pete. I needed to tell him. I needed to tell him what I told Patrick. I gently squeezed his hand and Patrick's. They both jumped up and I heard faint footsteps, like someone running. More footsteps, but more this time. Voices I didn't recognize. Then I was moving. I didn't know where I was going. All I knew was that Patrick and Pete weren't with me. I didn't recognize the people with me. Their voices were unfamiliar.

I decided to just sleep for a while. I needed to figure out who these people were, but I was far too tired to think. I needed to save my strength if I was going to open my eyes for Patrick and the rest of the guys. Squeezing their hands took a majority of the little energy I had.

The next thing I know, I can hear the voices again. They were a little more clear. There was a woman in the room. Patrick was holding my hand again. His hand felt cold in mine, like he'd suffered too much and used all of his emotion on me. How long had I been gone? What did I miss? Did they move on? Did anyone visit other than Patrick and Pete? The questions soared through my head so fast, I had to take a minute and calm down. I had strength, enough of it. Not much, but enough. I could do it. I could wake up. For Patrick. For Pete. For Andy. For Joe. For Chloe. For Summer and Danni. I could do it. For my friends and family, I could.

I groaned hoarsely as my eyes slowly fluttered open to a slight squint. The lights were too bright. There was a small gasp and I opened my eyes slowly as they adjusted to such bright lighting. The first person I saw was Patrick. I smiled weakly. I was glad I saw him first. I missed seeing his face.

"Oh my god!" Pete yelled in surprise before rushing over to me. A woman in a white coat pushed her way to me.

"Lyra? Can you hear us?" she asked. "I'm Dr. Kence. You're family has been waiting a long time for you." I looked at Patrick.

"I didn't die?" I asked. It was the only thing I could think of right now. I couldn't believe Kendall and Aleah hadn't finished me off. I thought for sure I would have died. Patrick shook his head.

"How could I have let you?" he replied, tears spilling from his eyes.

"Don't cry," I whispered hoarsely. 

"I'm not crying," he said, forcing a choked laugh. I smiled weakly.

"How long have you been waiting?" I asked.

"A little over a month I think," he replied. "I lost track. The girls came by today. They brought you roses." He motioned to the white roses in a vase on the bedside table.

"That's good," I said. "I'm glad they came. I want to surprise them when they come tomorrow, so don't tell them I'm awake. Has anyone else been by?"

"Your classmates have sent cards," he replied. "Lots of them, too. Brendon and Sarah said they would be here in the morning and Dallon is coming tomorrow night."

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