Chapter 16

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I got to go back to school the next day. I got up early and showered before on something cute, but pretty comfortable. Of course, I wore my black, heeled boots. I hopped down the stairs and into the kitchen where breakfast waited on the kitchen table. The others had left last night when they were sure I was okay. I ate breakfast and grabbed the lunch Patrick had packed for me. I put it with my new bag by the door and went back upstairs to brush my teeth and do my hair and makeup. I still kept my makeup simple, but I got closer to my normal look. I just straightened my hair and left it down. I hadn't felt like doing much with it. I heard Patrick yell that it was time to go from downstairs, so I went down the stair, grabbed my bag and lunch, and met Patrick in the car. I sat in the front seat next to him and we took off.

"How are you feeling this morning?" he asked while we drove.

"Good," I replied with a smile. 

"If you feel sick at all or like something isn't right, you call me straight away," he said. "Don't hesitate to call me, Lyra." I nodded.

"Okay," I replied. We pulled up in front of the school and he smiled at me.

"Be good, don't cause trouble, do good in your classes," he said as I got out. "And say hello to the girls for me!" I nodded and smiled before shutting the car door. I went into the school where Chloe was waiting just inside the door. She screamed excitedly and hugged me.

"You're back!" she exclaimed.

"Yeah, I am," I laughed.

"I thought you were coming back yesterday?" she asked.

"I was supposed to, but I spent most of yesterday throwing up," I said, disgusted by the memory.

"Are you okay?" Chloe asked, concerned. 

"Yeah, it was probably a stomach bug or the flu," I said, smiling. "I'm better now. Why were you waiting for me?"

"I figured you'd forgotten where your locker was after being gone so long," Chloe laughed.

"Well you were right," I laughed.

"Let's go," she laughed, grabbing my arm. We walked arm in arm, laughing, to our lockers. We grabbed the books we needed and headed to math. We walked in and Mr. Carson smiled at me.

"Welcome back, Miss Gaine," he smiled. I smiled back and took a seat next to Chloe like I had when I first came to this school. 

I had my full attention on the teachers in all of my classes that morning so I wouldn't be behind any more than I already was. At lunch, I met Chloe at our lockers. I put my books away, grabbed my lunch, and walked with Chloe to the lunch room. We sat with Danni and Summer and ate while laughing and talking. At the end of the day, I walked out to Patrick's car. Chloe, Danni, and Summer waved to us while we pulled out of the parking lot.

"How was your first day back?" Patrick asked, smiling.

"It was good," I replied with a smile. "I got a little tired before lunch, but I was fine after I ate. Chloe made me eat everything. I got to all of my classes without a problem."

"That's good," he smiled. "Just make sure you don't over do it. We don't need any more problems to come up." We laughed and drove the rest of the way singing loudly to the radio. We had almost made it home when a Gwen Stephanie song came on. Patrick changed it quickly, but a tear slipped down my cheek. I wiped it away and held back the urge to throw up. 

We got home and I went upstairs. I went into my bathroom and threw up a little in the toilet. Then I splashed cold water on my face and dried it with a towel. I went back downstairs and sat in the kitchen with a soda and some fruit while I did my homework. Patrick didn't ask questions.

Alone Together {Patrick Stump}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora