Chapter 26

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*Don't play song yet :) Enjoy the chapter :)

The following morning, I showered and changed into a gray skirt with spandex underneath and a black Panic! crop top. I dried and brushed my hair, leaving it it's natural curly self. I walked downstairs and ate breakfast with all the guys, anticipating when the girls would arrive. We ate and hung out in the lounge for about an hour before the doorbell rang. I jumped up and rant to get the door, my bare feet Patterson across the tile floor of the hall. I opened the door and screamed with delight at the sight of my friends. I hugged them and led them inside, turning around to see the guys in the doorway.

"You screamed," Patrick said. Chloe, Danni, Summer, and I laughed. "Let's go upstairs to the music room. Lyra, are you using your guitar?" I nodded and walked up with everyone, but I stopped outside my room to grab my grandpa's guitar off the wall where I hung it. I met everyone in the music room and they were waiting for me.

"Okay, so first we need to get in the groups," I said. I pulled out a piece of paper I had written on. "Let's see, Summer, you're with Patrick and Joe. Chloe will be with Pete on bass, and Danni will be with Andy on drums. I'll be going back and forth between the two, but I'll most likely be with Pete and Chloe for most of the time." The others nodded and got into the groups I'd spent all night organizing. I sat down with Pete and Chloe, holding my grandpa's guitar.

We spent the entire morning working on teaching them the fundamentals of the instruments they were learning. I decided it's be best for Chloe and Danni to learn the instruments thy were working with today before helping them learn the opposite. By lunch time, we were ready to get into more detail. We stopped for a quick lunch break before getting right back to work. Luckily, they were fast learners. When the girls knew the general idea of how it would sound separately, we are together and the band and I performed for them. I sang instead of Patrick, that way they could hear how it would eventually sound when we did it with our band. We played American Beauty/American Psycho.

It took several days after that before they'd mastered their instruments. We taught Chloe and Danni how to play both drums and bass, and I had assumed right. Danni was better with drums than she was with bass. She had struggled greatly through her bass lessons, but drums had made perfect sense to her. We decided, after about a week of practicing and teaching, that Danni would be our band's drummer and Chloe would play bass. We also decided to call out band Wildfire for now. We had started playing covers and the guys helped us record them. 

"Hey, maybe we could play at my birthday party!" I said one practice, a few days before my party. "I mean, Panic! offered to play, and the guys offered as well, but maybe they could perform and then we could go out and show everyone who we are? I have a few songs written that we could learn. It's last minute, but I'm sure we could do it."

"Let's give it a try," Chloe shrugged. "We'll have to practice every day for hours on end before the party in a few days, but what's a little hard work and effort?"

"Let's see what you've got!" Summer said excitedly. I showed them the songs I'd written and we began to practice them.

By the time of my fifteenth birthday and the day of the party, we were ready. I'd told Patrick about what we'd done and he agreed to let us play. He also insisted I wear a dress to the party, and he handed me a bag. Inside I found a black strapless dress with a tool skirt. There was a flowery lace design with little jewels all over the top part. I smiled and he left my room to let me change. When I'd finished, I slipped into a pair of black heels that had been left in my room. I walked downstairs with my guitar and special guitar pick. I had to put it outside with the other instruments, although I wasn't thrilled. I didn't want anything to happen to my grandpa's guitar.

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