Chapter 31

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*So nothing interesting happens for the whole rest of the tour, so I'm just going to skip to when they are back. Hope you enjoy! <3

I fell asleep on the tour bus on the way home. Tour was amazing, and I was so glad I got to go with them. Now we were going back home, I'd saved the slip of paper to look at when I got to my room, where no one could read it over my shoulder like they liked to do on the tour bus. When the bus pulled into our driveway, Dad shook me awake.

"Lyra, we're home," he said. I opened my eyes to see him smiling. "Come on, let's get our stuff and go inside." I nodded and got up from my bunk. 

I grabbed my bags and we hauled everything off the tour bus. We walked up the rest of the driveway and climbed the stairs. Dad unlocked the door an opened it up. I took mine upstairs and to my bedroom, throwing them on the floor to sort through later. I collapsed on the bed and took out the slip of paper I'd been given at the LA show, which seemed so far away now. I  unfolded it and read the thin script.

Dear Lyra,

It was great finally getting to meet you! I ha a blast at the concert! You were amazing! And the way you noticed that girl and stoppe everyone just to make sure she got help! You really are amazing. I would love to talk more and get to know the part of you that the band hasn't said in interviews and stuff. Text me? (611) 565-8790 (I just made this up! I don't know if it's an actual phone number or not!) 

Thanks for making my night,


I smiled and pulled out my phone. I type in the number and sent a message.

L- Hey, Tristan, it's Lyra :) sorry I didn't get to this sooner, but I wanted to wait to read it when I was home and didn't have my family looking over my shoulder lol. Thanks for the note! I hope w can talk more and get to know more about each other :)

I hit send and set my phone down. It went off almost instantly, nd I saw I'd gotten a message from Danni.

D- Hey, L! I heard you guys got back earlier than expected! Sleepover at my house? I want all the deets

L- yeah, we just got back! I'll ask Dad if I can come over! :)

D- Great! Text me when you know if you can come or not! It'll just be the two of us tonight. Chloe and Summer can't make it :(

L- Okay! Ttyl Danni!

I set phone down again and got up. I walked out of my bedroom and hear the guys downstairs talking and laughing. I walked down the stairs and walked into the lounge.

"Hey, Dad, Danni asked me if I could stay at her house tonight. Is that okay?" I asked from the doorway.

"Yeah, of course!" Dad replied. "Have fun, kiddo!"

"Not too much fun!" Uncle Pete yelled as I ran upstairs to pack.

I grabbed my phone and texted Danni.

L- HE SAID YES! 😆 I'm packing now!

D- We'll be there in like five minutes :) I cant wait!

L- See you then :)

I plugged in my phone and let it charge while I packed for Danni's. It didn't take me long. Hen of finished packing, I heard a car honk outside. I grabbed my bag, phone, and charger and raced down the stairs.

"Bye, Dad!" I called as I ran out the door and to Danni's mom's car. I smiled at Danni's Mom, Jackie, and got in the backseat. 

"It's good to see you again, Lyra," Jackie smiled at me from the front seat.

"It's good to see you too, Jackie," I smiled back.

As we headed to Danni's house, Jackie asked me all about tour. I told her about the accident and how scared I was when we couldn't find Dad. I told her about the hospital, too. Then I told her about the tour after we'd left the hospital. It seemed not to worry her anymore when I'd gotten to the part about Uncle Pete telling me to come onstage with them.

"It sounds to me like you've had a very eventful few months," she smiled.

"Oh yes, it was very eventful," I laughed. Danni laughed too.

"I'm just glad your back," Danni smiled softly. 

"I'm glad to be back, even if it was a lot of fun after we'd gotten over the accident," I replied. 

By then, we were pulling into the driveway. Danni and I got out of the car and went inside, followed by Jackie. We went up to Danni's room and heard her brothers playing video games in the room next to hers. She walked over and banged on the door.

"Turn it Down!" she yelled. "Lyra's here!" There was a pause before the door opened and the heads of her three brothers poked out to look at me.

"Oh, hey, Lyra, good to see you again," Jackson, her older brother, said. Daniel and Mikey, the two younger ones, just smiled at waved at me before all three disappeared into the room again. Danni rolled her eyes and we went into her bedroom.

"So, why couldn't Summer and Chloe make it?" I asked as we flipped onto the bed.

"Well. . ." Danni said. She sighed. "In all honesty, they weren't the same after the concert. They slowly started to become distant and stopped talking to me. I asked them to come over when I heard you were going to be back today, but they were kind of bitchy to me. I don't know what's gotten into them. Maybe they got too used to there being four of us. Hopefully it blows over soon."

"That's not good," I said, eyebrows furrowed slightly. "I guess we'll just have to see how things go on Monday."

"I guess we will," she replied with a sigh.

 We spent the rest of the night avoiding bringing them up. We ate pizza with Danni's family and I told everyone how tour had gone, but this time I skipped the whole 'Tour bus got thrown sideways and Uncle Andy and Dad were thrown out of the bus' thing. I also skipped the hospital. But I included everything else that had nothing to do with any of that. I didn't think it wise to tell Daniel and Mikey about all that.

The next afternoon, Jackie and Danni took me home. I had spent the morning with them, and I would had stayed longer, but I knew I had to go home sometime. When we pulled into my driveway, I saw that there were no cars in the driveway, not even Dad's. 

"Can you get in, or do we need to come back later?" Jackie asked when she noticed no one was home.

"I have a key," I replied, smiling, and held up my key. I said goodbye and got out of the car, walking up to the door and unlocking in. There was a note taped to the door, so I took it off as I went inside.


Something came up and I had to leave suddenly. I would ave texted or called, but I didn't want to worry you into coming home early. I'll sxplain everything when I get home tonight. If I'm not home by dinner time, there's some food in the fridge for you. If you need anything, just give me a call.

Love you,


He actually signed it with 'Dad' instead of 'Patrick', which was amazing. But, why did he hav to leave so suddenly? And why didn't he want to worry me?

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