Chapter 2: TOW The Pregnancy

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Chapter Two: TOW The Pregnancy:

Ross: Rach that's great! I am so glad to hear that your pregnant! What do you think you are going to do? Are you going to keep on working in Georgia?

Rachel: Yeah I think I am going to keep on working for as long as I can. I don't want to quit and I could probably get maternity leave if I stay. I will probably be down here for the full 9 months but come back to New York before the due date. That way I can still claim maturity leave.

Ross: Okay that sounds good. Okay I will let you go, Gosh I am so happy this is such great news! Love you Rach.

Ross hangs up the phone

Emma: Daddy was that Mommy?, What did she say?

Ross: Well Emma you are going to have another sister or brother soon! Mommy is pregnant.

Emma: Awesome I hope I get a little sister so then I can play doll house with her and teach her how to dance. I like having two bothers but I can't do girly things with them. I am so happy!

Ross: I am glad to hear that Emma, how I have to take your brothers to their hockey game. Howard,Daniel lets go!

On the car ride to the hockey game

Ross: Boys I have some very exciting news to tell you. Mommy is pregnant. You guys could have another sister or brother. Isn't this exciting?!

Howard: Yeah Daddy! I hope we get a brother because then we can teach him to play hockey and play hot wheels with him.

Ross: Yeah and I could watch the Discovery Channel and play dinosaurs with him

Ross arrives at the rink, ties up the kids skates, helps them with their equipment. Chandler arrives to watch the game with Ross. The game starts, In the middle of the second period Howard gets a goal!

Ross: That's my son! That's his first goal!

Chandler: Could you BE anymore excited? Just kidding that was a good goal.

The game ends with Howard and Daniel's team winning 2-1. Chandler heads back out to his house in the suburbs. Ross takes the kids home and has a good dinner of spaghetti and meatballs with the kids then watches cartoons before putting the kids into bed. Ross then calls Rachel.

Ross: Hey Rachel how is it going? How was your day?

Rachel: It has been good Ross, we have been busy with the stores inventory walks in Georgia. We are just in Atlanta, we finished about an hour ago. We had dinner at the store tonight. Hot Dogs and beans. Yum it made me feel awful though, how was your day?

Ross: It was great, Howard scored his first goal at the boy's hockey game today! We had spaghetti and meatballs. Rachel, I was thinking about moving to the suburbs to a house, we have a growing family and only 3 bedrooms in the apartment. Plus the schools are better and it will be better to raise our kids so they can play and run around in the backyard, maybe we could get a pool? One thing is for sure need more room, what do you think?

Rachel: I miss you guys and it makes me sad missing Howard's first goal, he knows Mommy is his biggest fan! I think we should take one thing at a time, maybe we could look at houses when I come back for the summer for a week?

Ross: Sure, that sounds good, Goodnight Rach Love you.

Rachel: Goodnight Ross, Love you.

Six months pass it is now July. In the meantime, life goes on as normal. With Ross taking care of the kids and Rachel working in Georgia. Rachel is preparing to go back to NYC for her summer vacation in the next week. She is now 30 weeks pregnant. Rachel is at her office

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