CHAPTER TWO - Prepared

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Aphmau's POV
Zenix walked up to everyone and smirked at me. I stood there in shock! I killed him, he put a curse on me to make me go crazy, and I killed him. So how I'm the name of Irene, is he still alive and breathing!

Aph- h-how are you! I killed you.
Zenix- yes you did, and it hurt so much.

Zenix gave me a smirk.

Aph- then how are you alive.
Zenix- I wasn't a full Shadow Knight. So you killed my body, but my soul loved on as a full shadow knight.
Aph- Well that makes me feel a little better, at least I didn't fully kill you...
Zenix- say Aphmau, do you still have the curse?

I closed my eyes because I could feel them heading up. I opened my eyes and looked at Zenix, my eyes flashed red, then returned back to my normal eye colour.

Zenix- well that answers my question.
Enki- enough chatter. We shall start.
Laurence- and magics is allowed, any sort.
Lucinda- good, I can kick your butts with witchcraft.
Aph- ok, no one is allowed to kill anyone of the other team. Deal.
Menphia- deal!
Zane- can we just start!
Enki- fine, let's begin.
Gene- 3
Travis- 2
Sasha- 1
Aph & Enki- GO!

Everyone ran my group ran into my house to think of a plan.

Katelyn- ok, so I think we should go for Enkis book first because we know where that is.
Garroth- that's a great idea. Then we should head to O'khasis to find the wyvern to get a feather.
Zane- but how do we get a relm breaker crystal? Only descendants of Shad the destroyer can get- OH! Aphmau can you get that?
Aph- n-no, they are super rare to find, and my dad doesn't have anymore. The only person that has them is A-Aaron.
Travis- well then we try to find a new one.
Lucinda- then we look for the prince or princess of the nether, which will be the hardest one.
Gar- not really

Garroth said, looking at me. I smirked and looked at everyone else.

Aph- I'm the princess of the nether.
Lucinda- of course you are.
Katelyn- ok let's begin, we should get some armour and weapons, meet back here once your ready.
Aph- good idea, but I have a secret room that has armour and weapons so everyone, follow me.

Everyone got up from the couch and followed me down to the basement. I opened a secret door hidden behind a bookcase, which showed a plethora of weapons and armour.

Aph- ok everyone take some armour and weapons. I'll be back.

I ran up to my room because I had a special armour up there, it was purple. Of course. And was my favourite armour ever.

I also grabbed Aaron's sword that he left in my room the day he was kidnaped, it matched my armour. I sighed and walked back down into the basements secret room.

Gar- everyone's ready aph.
Aph- Ok, let's head north, Travis we will need to use your mothers old boat.
Travis- arg! Fine, it might take 30 minutes to get it ready.
Aph- that's fine. Once we're on the boat, we go to Enkis library, get a book, and then keep heading north to get to O'khasis.
Gar- ok, but aph, O'khasis is the opposite way...
Aph- ARG! Alright, then we head back and head south, to O'khasis.
Zane- ok, let's go.

Aaron's POV

I sat in my dusty room that I had to sleep in, just thinking about Aphmau, and how I let her down. I still don't know who the hell kidnaped me but. It's so confusing.

I went over to the only window in the room that was barricaded with bars so I couldn't escape, and looked out to see the nether. The person that took me said she was breaking all the portals, that means Aph has to get a relm breaker crystal to open it... they are super rare to find, but I always kept one hidden on a tree right at the entrance of a cave, the cave lead to Enkis library. I hope Aphmau knows what she has to get to open a portal, or I'll never see her again.

I started to hear my door lock being unlocked, so I stood up, took a deep breath, and waited for my kidnaper to show their face. They opened the door and they had a mask on.

Aar- who are you and what do you want from me?
???- I want you Aaron. Don't you remember me?
Aar- maybe I would if you showed me your face.
???- fine.

The girl removed her mask and I noticed who she was.

Aar- Lily?

Love you all, sorry for the cliff hanger 😆

Race To The Nether // Aarmau Fanfic (Book~Two)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang