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Aphmau's POV
Everyone was walking up the mountain almost freezing to death, until we saw a small store.

Aph- we should stop by there and see if they have warmer clothes.
Katelyn- that's a good idea, TRAVIS ARE LOOKING AT MY BUTT AGAIN!
Travis- what? N-no
Aph- let's go.

Once we were all in the shop we looked around for some winter clothes.
About 30 minutes later we were heading out again. We trailed the mountains until we found a clearing. There was still snow, but no trees.

Lucinda- we should take a break, I'll use my witchcraft to make a fire.
Gar- Zane and I will help.
Zane- arg, fine!

While Zane, Garroth and Lucinda walked of, Katelyn and Travis were sitting down on a small log. Heh Travlyn.

Aph- So Travis, you know this place the most, what is the easiest and quickest way to get to the library.
Travis- the way that we are going is the fastest and safest. If we didn't take a left back there, we would be there in a week!
Katelyn- so how long will it take then?
Travis- 24 hours...
Aph- A DAY!
Travis- yup... a day, it's at the top of the mountain, and we need a divine warrior to be able to make a small clearing so we can see the cafe, and the closest we have to a divine is you Aphmau, and I don't think you know how to do that.
Aph- no, I don't. But my mum tried teaching me!
Travis- come on I'll teach you.
Aph- how do you know?
Travis- I'm a demon, I can make a small clearing.
Aph- then why can't you do it?
Katelyn- it's being protected?
Travis- how did you know?
Katelyn- just a hunch. It's being barricaded by magics, really really strong magics. Am I correct.
Travis- yup, no one has been able to get in the library in years.
Katelyn- and what am I meant to do while you try to teach aph how to do that?
Travis- sit back and laugh at her failing.
Aph- HEY!
Katelyn- haha, ok.

~2 hours later~

About 2 hours had passed and it was pitch black when I woke up. Garroth and Zane were snuggled up, and so were Travis and Katelyn. Lucinda and I were next to each other, but weren't cuddling.

I got up and walked a little bit so no one else woke up, because I wanted to practise my magics. I could still see everyone but it was quiet now. I tried for hours, trying to clear the surroundings, nothing. I decided to head back to the camp.

Laurence's POV
Enki thought it would be best to go to get the relm breaker first, nice one Enki, go for the hardest! Even though I almost killed Aphmau and Aaron, I still feel bad and miss Aph, not so much Aaron. We got of the boat and were in a cold icey area.

Enki- we should split into groups, group one will look for the Relm breaker, group two will look for my library, and group three should set up camp. Group one will be Gene and Sasha, group two will be Laurence and I and group three is Zenix and Menphia.
Zenix- Why am I setting up!
Menphia- because you make a mess amount of everything.
Enki- once you have the item you need, come back to camp.

I started heading of with Enki. I started to sense Aphmau. She is terrible at hiding her magics. I didn't tell Enki because he would probably do something terrible. Every time I think about Aphmau, I start feeling really bad, I have to fix this.

Enki- I'll go up the mountain to see what mountain we are on, you stay here and keep an eye out for a relm breaker.
Laurence- I thought Gene and Sasha were going for a relm breaker?
Enki- they are, but if we get two, Aphmau can't get one.

Enki left and the sense of Aphmau was getting stronger. I'm going to fix this. Right. Now.

I started walking towards her. Then I saw Garroth, he was alone, and then he saw me, here we go.

Laurence- Garroth...
Gar- what are you doing here. Go back to your group.
Laurence- Garroth/-
Gar- why don't you find Enkis library?
Laurence- Garroth!
Gar- or better yet, go find a hole to die in.
Laurence- GARROTH!
Gar- WHAT!
Aph- Garroth is everything ok over here/- Laurence.
Laurence- please let me talk Garroth.
Gar- why should I? How do I know your not just gonna stab me!
Aph- Garroth talk to him.
Gar- but Aphmau he/-
Aph- I know what he did, talk to him, if anything happens I'll be right here.

It's time to fix this whole mess. Once and for all.

Race To The Nether // Aarmau Fanfic (Book~Two)Where stories live. Discover now