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Aaron's POV 
Aphmau ran off the the bathroom but something was off, and everyone noticed.

Aar- I'll go check on her. She might be sea sick.
Kate- if she's sea sick maybe I should see her.
Aar- it's ok. I'll go.

I ran to the bathroom and found Aphmau vomiting into the toilet. Oh no.

I went over to her and rubbed her back. Once she was done she looked up at me.

Aph- Aaron, I'm never sea sick. Ever.
Aar- you don't think.
Aph- I can't even check.
Aar- we can go to the stores when we get to O'khasis.
Aph- what if I am Pregnant?
Aar- we'll get through it. Didn't you want kids anyway?
Aph- yes. But not when my mum is literally lecturing me to stay away from boys...
Aar- you'll be fine. What harm can your mum do?
Aph- She's Irene Aaron. She can literally kill you and me.
Aar- good point.
Aph- let's go back.
Aar- alright, you ok?
Aph- yeah. Let's go.

I stood up and grabbed Aphmau's hand. We both walked back to the group. Everyone looked at us then down at our hands.

Aar- what? Couples can't hold hands?

We sat down and Aaron wrapped his arm around my waist.

Kate- are you ok Aphmau?
Aph- oh! Yeah. Just sea sickness.
Laur- I thought you didn't get sea sick?
Aph- I-I guess I do.
Gar- ok now that rooms are sorted we can relax. Travis your at deck!
Travis- what why!
Gar- because you can stir a big boat.
Travis- fine.

Everyone got up and did separate things. I went and sat on my bed to think about things. What if I am pregnant, with everything going on now, do I want my kids involved? Can I trust them to keep a secret?

I just sat on my bed thinking about what I'm going to do. Katelyn walked towards me and sat on my bed.

Kate- I know your not sea sick.
Aph- w-what yes I am.
Kate- no your not, Aph when you lie you trip on your words.
Aph- it's nothing Katelyn. Really.
Kate- really?
Aph- yeah nothings wrong, just got... My period...
Kate- oh now I know your lying.
Aph- arg fine! But please don't tell anyone. Aaron's the only one who knows.
Kate- you told Aaron before me!
Aph- well it involves him.

Katelyn obviously clicked and looked dead into my eyes with her mouth wide open.

Kate- Your pregnant!
Aph- shhh no so loud.
Kate- your pregnant? With Aaron's baby?
Aph- I don't know yet, but it's a possibility. We don't know yet.
Kate- have fun telling Garroth.
Aph- Garroth doesn't like me anymore.
Kate- yeah, but he's like your older brother.
Aph- He'll be fine!
Kate- arg I can't believe your pregnant!
Aph- I'm surprised your not going to kill Aaron.
Kate- why would I? You both agreed on it, right?
Aph- of course we did Katelyn.
Kate- then I won't kill him.

~time skip to O'khasis~

I ran off the boat and jumped around with joy. Aaron walked up to me and laughed.

Aar- why you so excited?
Aph- CAUSE I GET TO FIND OUT IF IM PREG/- If I'm on my period... yeah.

Aaron laughed and held my hand.

Aar- did you tell anyone? Because Katelyn was looking at me really weirdly.
Aph- really? I- I have no clue.
Aar- Aph if you told Katelyn I won't care.
Aph- ok fine. I told her. SHE KNOWS ME TO WELL OK!
Aar- like I said, I don't mind you telling her. Now Garroth on the other hand...
Aph- I'm not telling Garroth... yet.

Aaron smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist.

Gar- ok everyone ready, let's go check in.
Aph- let's go!

We all got into cars, and drove off to the hotel. The hotel looked nice, real expensive.

Aph- Garroth how much did you pay for this?
Aph- what?
Gar- I didn't pay anything. I have a friend who works here and he said if I gave him my tickets to A-con I'll only have to pay $100!
Aph- then who payed $100?
Laur- me.
Aar- you did?
Laur- yes.
Lucinda- let's go in already.

We all walked in and checked into our rooms. Aaron and I already told everyone we were going to the store later, so everyone knew where we were going.

I put my suitcase in the room and so did Aaron. There was only one bed, it was a king bed size though. Aaron smirked and looked at me.

Aph- what?
Aar- oh nothing.
Aph- we going?
Aar- yeah, let's go.

Aaron grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the door. We made it to the store and got what we needed. Aaron and I made it back to the hotel room and I went to the bathroom to check.

Aaron's POV
I sat on the bed waiting for Aphmau to come out with the news. I could be a farther.

About 5 minutes later Aphmau came out holding the pregnancy test. I stood up and she smiled. She passed me the stick and read it.


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