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Aphmau's POV
My eyes widened, my mouth dropped... How in flipping nether, did Laurence get a relm breaker crystal?

Laurence- here, take it.
Aph- how do we know it's not fake?
Laurence- give me your hand.
Aph- what?
Laurence- trust me, give me your hand.

I hesitated at first. Then I have him my hand. A bright light shone on the crystal. I had a feeling in my body, a feeling that I should trust Laurence, a feeling that's saying the crystal was real.

I look back down at the crystal to see it's no longer just lilac, it's glowing lilac...

Aph- what's it doing?
Laurence- showing you it's power.
Gar- I feel like a third wheel, and use aren't even dating?

I kept my hand in the crystal, then it ended up zapping me.

Aph- AWWW!

I let go of the crystal. And Laurence caught it with his other hand.

Aph- that hurt! Why did it do that?
Laurence- you were using your powers to much on the orb, so it zapped you.
Aph- that was mean mr crystal!
Gar- I don't think it talks aph?
Lucinda- what you talking about?
Gar- that was just Lucinda aph.
Lucinda- yeah, so why is Laurence here? I thought he tried to kill you?
Aph- he did, but he's given us something we kinda need.
Lucinda- which is?
Laurence- relm breaker crystal.
Lucinda- REALLY!
Aph- yep, so Laurence is joining our team.
Lucinda- What?
Gar- I'm going to be watching him a lot... and I mean a lot!
Lucinda- ok?

Lucinda went into Travis and Katelyns, but then two seconds later she ran out with wide eyes.

Aph- what happened?
Lucinda- I just walked in on Katelyn and Travis making out!
Aph- HA! I knew it, you owe me $60 dollars Garroth, pay up!
Gar- Arg! Alright!

On the boat Garroth and I made a bet, if Travlyn happened he payed me $60. But if it didn't happen I payed him $60. They had to get together before we got back on the boat.

~two hours later~

Once we were all packed up we started to climb the mountains again. Once we
Made it to the top of the mountains we looked around.

Katelyn and Travis were hugging each other, while the rest of us was looking for the cave that leads to the library.

I looked a little to my left and saw a small hole on the side of the mountain.

Aph- there!
Gar- that could be it! Let's go.

We kept on walking but this time headed down the hill until we reached the hole in the hill.

Once we got to it, it was a much larger hole then we thought. We tried waking in but we couldn't, something was holding us back.

Aph- Arg!
Travis- this is definitely it. Only people related to Enki or Menphia can get past.
Aph- what about if your the daughter of Irene?
Travis- not gonna work. We need a god if there's no one related to him.
Katelyn- I'm a demigod.
Travis- WHAT!
Katelyn- umm, yeah...
Aph- try walking in!
Katelyn- ok, I'll try, but I don't know what to do once im in?
Travis- I know, if I hold your hand we can walk in together.
Katelyn- it's that easy?
Travis- no, it's easy for us because my dad is a demon.
Aph- ok well, GO IN!

Katelyn took a deep breathe, held Travis's hand, and walked into the cave.


Race To The Nether // Aarmau Fanfic (Book~Two)Where stories live. Discover now