How to Eat

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Heyooo~ This one is on How to Eat! :DD 





How to Eat

1. Make sure you have something edible to eat. Make sure it is not poisonous or harmful to you.

2. Make sure your food  (object which you wish to eat) does not attempt to run away or eat you. If it does, we suggest you find something else. If you do not, don’t blame us for the consequences.

3.Hold the food using a spoon, fork or your hands, and bring it to mouth (your mouth is that opening at the bottom of your face) in any means hygienic.

4.It is recommended (especially if you have bad hand-and-eye coordination) to keep your head still while you bring your food closer to your mouth.

Note: your mouth is the opening BELOW the two strange symmetrical holes on the underside of that curiously shaped thing on your face.

5. Next, put the food inside your mouth. Make sure you open your mouth before attempting to do so. If the food is too big to enter, try cutting it up into smaller pieces first.

6. Your mouth should be equipped with two rows of amazing tough white things called teeth. You are going to use these ‘teeth’ to chew. To chew, move your lower part of your face—which is also called your ‘jaw’—using your jaw muscles. Keep your food between the or else this act of ‘chewing’ will not work.

WARNING! Keep your tongue, which is the strange flab of meat in your mouth, OUT OF THE WAY of your teeth when chewing. It hurts like crazy if you do not.

7. To complete ‘eating’, use your throat muscles (located at the back of your mouth) to push the food down your esophagus. At this point, peristalsis will take over for you. 


To drink, follow the same steps, except with liquid, omit the chewing and don’t open your mouth too much. 


Oh, and before you leave, can you please check out my story? I need help. Especially in terms of reads. >3< Pretty please? Story on the external link


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