How to Cut Your Nails

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 How to Cut Your Nails

1. When we say ‘nails’, we don’t mean the metal fastener you find in hardware stores, we mean those hard thing that covers the tips of your fingers and your toes. (RANDOM FACT: Your nails are made up of the same thing as your hair.)

 2. First, get your hands on a nail clipper. If you don’t what a nail clipper, it’s those metal things (mostly made out of stainless steel. You can find some in cute designs) with strange shapes that looks like it came from space (which it probably did). If you really, really don’t know what one of those is called, it’s the picture at the side. Anyhoo~ Onto the next step.

3. Next, make sure that your nail clipper is ready to use (the picture is a ready-to-use nail clipper). Also, make sure that your nails are not too short to be cut. If they’re long enough, you should be able to see some white things on the tip of your nails.

4. Slide the nail into the sharp part of the nail clipper. Make sure to only cut the white parts. Trust us, you don’t want to cut the pink part. If you want to try it though… It’s up to you. But you have been warned! Now, press the handle of the nail clipper.

5. Repeat step 4 until all the white part of a nail has been cut off.

6. CONTRAGULATIONS! You have just cut one nail! You’re going to have to do this to the rest of your finger- and toe-nails though… XD


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