How to Smell

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1. First, make sure you have a nose. As mentioned before in the "How To Eat" tutorial, your nose is that curiously shaped thing located in the centre of your face, above your mouth. See those 2 holes underneath? Yeah, those are your nostrils, and which is where the smells will enter.

Sorry, Voldemort.

2. Find something to smell. We highly recommend finding something that has a strong, pleasant odor. If you are unsure what smells nice and what smells... smelly, here are some examples of things that usually smell fragrant.

- Perfume

- Flowers ( be warned! There are flowers that smell HORRIBLE, one of which is the biggest flower in the world- the Rafflesia. It smells like a rotting something. And also a certain type of flower that smells like chicken droppings.)

- Food! Choose your favourite food! If you like how it tastes, you should like how it smells. ( A touchy food is the DURIAN. Some people think it smells heavenly, others compare it to eating ice cream in an outhouse.)

3. It is recommend that you lift the chosen item close to your nose. If not possible, put your face (and your nose) close to the said object.

4. INHALE. Through your nose! This is very important to a smelling success. When the smell enters your nostrils it will travel in and reach the smell receptors in your nose, which will then send messages to your brain, and hopefully your brain will identify the smell.

5. CONGRATULATIONS! You have just smelled! We hope it was a pleasant experience. :)

Unless you are sick and all you did was snort back a quart of phlegm or boogers, you should be able to smell. :D Yay!

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