Chapter 2.

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I quickly made breakfast for me and Jewel, Namjoon came home and hour ago and went straight to sleep.

The boys were coming over around noon, they had moved out shortly after me and Namjoon got married. They thought giving us some privacy was a need.

"Jewel baby it's time to wake up" I said lightly lifting her from the bed.

"But mommy I just want to sleep" she whined, tucking her head into my neck.

"I know princess, but mommy already made breakfast and if you don't eat it now it will be cold. Plus mommy made your favorite"

With that she looked at me straight in the eyes and asked "you made choco chip cakes"

"Yes I did" I replied

I love the way she smiles every time I make them, it must be great being that young and your only concern is if someone made your chocolate chip pancakes or not.

After Jewel finished her food I turned on cartoons to distract her while I did dishes.

I felt arms wrap around my waist and something a bit heavy set on my shoulder

"I missed holding you" Namjoon whispers into my ear

"You don't seem to miss it when Aurora I around" I said moving out of his hold

" Princess you know I love you, I married you not her." He said trying to get close to me again

"And I bet you regret that every time your alone with her" I snapped heading out of the room

I felt a tight grip on my wrist, he started yanking me to our room, this has become something common when he's here.

As soon as we made it into the room he shut the door, we never want Jewel to hear us fight.

"Why do you always act like such a bitch when I come home" he snapped

"I smell her on you, why can't me and Jewel be enough for you"

"You guys are enough, I love you both"

"Then why are you always with her" I snapped, sometime I lose my temper and I just can't stop the words from coming out.

"Maybe I want her as part of my life too" his words upset me, why does he want her?

"I hope you and her can be happy, me and Jewel can find somewhere else to be"

He reached to grab me but I pushed his arms away

"It's moments like this that make me regret taking you from Jimin" he snapped at me

"Then maybe you should have let Jimin have me, he treats me and Jewel better" I snapped back

I guess I hit the wrong nerve, as soon as those words come out of my mouth Namjoon started throwing things

"Don't you ever fucking say that" he came close and grabbed onto my chin, his teeth were gritted "get out before I do something that I try so hard to stop from doing"

With that I left the room and went to sit with Jewel on the couch.

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