Chapter 6

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Namjoon' POV

Why hasn't she come home yet, she has never done anything like this before.

The worst part is the boys said they won't help me find her.

I've been skipping work trying to find someone who can help, I have spoken to a few private investigators but with the little amount of information I have people don't want to help much.

I have a meeting with one more private investigator, rumor is he stops at nothing until the job is done, I just hope he accepts my case.

While filling out the paper work I must use my fake name, I still forget I have this name sometimes.

I don't like the life that came attached to the name, it has cost me 2 children and my wife. I want nothing more but to go back in time and to have kept my name and for us to have just moved away.

"Hello Mr. Wang" I said as the investigator stepped into my in home office.

"Hello Mr. Kim" he greeted back

"Please just call me Jae" I smiled at him " We have been talking about the case, what do you think?" I asked

" After reviewing the case, I have decided to accept it. It will be difficult but not impossible."

"Thank you Mr.Wang, you won't be disappointed with your reward in the end." I said smiling "Now how about we go out for some drinks and we can discuss this more" I offered

Lily's POV

I have been living in some of the happiest days of my life,  I have made some new friends with other mothers around the neighborhood.

Jewel has grown very fond of the little boy across the street, she just always wants to be with him but denies having a crush on him.

I think she's just a little scared haha, Jimin has been very busy working in the morning but is always home for dinner.

"Hey mommy, when am I going to see daddy?" Jewel asked

"Honey you know he comes home after dinner"

"No mommy I wanna see my real daddy?"

I guess I can't expect her to not ask any questions or her not to want to see her father,  but then seeing each other will cause a lot of problems

"Baby daddy went away for a while, you can see him when he goes back home" I tried thinking of something quickly that wouldn't sound to harsh on the situation that's happening, I can't just tell a kid your dads a psychopath who doesn't want us so we ran away.

"But mommy why do you and uncle Jimin kiss, and why do you want me to call him daddy?"

" sweetly sometimes parents just can't stay together and have to move on, me and your daddy had to move on and I chose to be with uncle Jimin"

I got down to her level and hugged her while telling her, I just hope she understands and doesn't get too upset

" Is this why we can't see daddy?"  She asked, she had a small pout on her lips that reminded me of Namjoon

"Yes baby, but someday you can see him" I said while giving her a quick kiss on her head

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