Chapter 12

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Namjoon has almost fixed any issues I had when being with him before, he has gone back to being the man I had loved

Some of the days I have to try and get him to calm down though, he likes to think he can be Superman and do anything that needs to be done

I've been getting a little lonely at the house by myself, Jewel has been in school and namjoons been working but I've just been sitting here watching tv

I've been thinking about getting a job or finding a new hobby because being a house wife who's job gets taken over by her husband isn't working anymore

Maybe I can get a part time job for the time Jewel is in school, or maybe I can just volunteer somewhere since we don't really need the money or maybe I can just start writing

When I heard the front door close I put on a cute smile hopping this would win over Namjoon to let me do something

"Hey Joonie how was work?"I asked back hugging him

"It was good, the boys came up to see me at work" he said setting his stuff down, as soon as his hands were available he turned his body so he could hold me in his arms

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked

"No reason" I said hugging him closer "I just have a question"

"I knew you wanted something I'm not stupid"he said unwrapping his arms from me

"I just wanted to know if while you are at work and Jewel was at school if I could do something" I asked trying to look him in the eyes, but I could already see the rejection coming

"Absolutely not, I don't want you out in the world without someone to protect you by your side" he answered

"I've just been bored at the house by my self, I have nothing to do" I whined hopping he would get annoyed and give me my way

"How about a baby, we can always have a baby together and that will give you something to do while  im home and while I'm not home" he responded causing me to turn fully red

It's been a while since me and Namjoon have been together sexually and I'm nervous like it's our first time together again

"Does that sound like a good idea princess, by the way your blushing I don't think you will mind" he said leaning his head onto my shoulders

His hot breath was hitting my neck which was only causing me to blush more

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