Chapter 9

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The moment I heard Jimin enter the door I ran to him, wrapping my arms around him while crying into his chest.

I could tell he was confused but my mind and body was to weak to explain what was wrong

He held me until I was calm enough to speak "I have to go back" as I said this he held me tighter "Why babe what happened?"

The worry in his eyes made my heart hurt, he has done nothing but treat me right and I have to now leave him for another man.

"He found us and he took Jewel, he also wants me back and has gone back to killing innocent people" I mumbled

"I hate him so much but I can't leave Jewel alone with him, I love her to much for that." I cried out

"If you go back to him me and the boys will stay by your side no matter what, we understand how Namjoon is and we won't blame you for your decisions" as Jimin said this he held me close and looked into my eyes

"But this also may be the last time I'm allowed near you if you go back to him" I wanted to cry more as I held him for what may be the last time

As much as I love my life with Jimin I can't let Jewel go through her life alone, Namjoon is unstable and I don't want him to take out any of his problems on her

" I will always love you Jimin and hopefully something will work out and we can see each other again even if it is only as friends"

"When are you wanting to go to him?" I could see the worry on Jimins face as he asked me, but I don't want him to worry I want him to be strong

"Whenever I get my stuff I will be ready"

My heart was beating extremely fast as we pulled into Namjoons driveway, he knew we would be coming because as soon as we pulled in a wicked smile spread across his face

"About time you came back home honey" the look in his eyes was terrifying, I wanted to cry just seeing them but I have to be strong not only for me but for Jewel and Jimin.

"Aren't you a great friend Jimin for dropping off my wife, but I would have to say you have over stayed your visit and I think it's time you leave. If you don't leave this property quickly I might not be able to stop myself from pulling this trigger." As he said this the smile never left his face.

As Jimin quickly drove away I knew my life was about to become hell again.

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