Chapter 10

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Namjoon grabbed my arm dragging me into the house
"If you listen and be a good girl we can be a happy family again" he whispered into my ear
As we entered the house i saw Jewel sitting on the couch watching tv, she smiled and and jumped off the couch when she saw me enter the door "moommmyyyyyy" she wrapped her arms around me

Namjoon had his arms wrapped around me from behind while Jewel was hugging me from the front, anyone would thing we were a normal family but unfortunately we were far from it.

The last couple days I have been here Namjoon has done all the cooking and cleaning, he somehow still owns one of his companies even though he's hardly there.

I kinda pitty Namjoon right now, he's been holding all his emotions in again and acting as if nothing had happened between all of us, he's even been talking to the boys again

He tries to always wear a smile on his face but I've always been good at reading him and can see the hurt and sadness in his eyes.

After he puts Jewel to bed he will lay in bed looking at the dark walls until he falls asleep, I feel to scared to try and comfort him, I don't want to cause him to lash out on everyone.

I woke up a little early to make everyone a breakfast, I know Namjoon will be sleeping for another hour so if I can make breakfast fast enough I can surprise him with it in bed

As I was putting the last item of food on the plates I heard Jewel come running down the stairs, she does really well for getting herself up and ready for school

I handed her a plate and made my way up the stairs to mine and Namjoons room, as I open the door he's sitting there looking at the ground, I could see tears run down his face

He looked at me " I thought you left me again" he mumbled, I set the plates down on the bedside table before wrapping my arms around him quickly

"It's ok to let it out" I said laying my head on his while he quietly cried " do you want to come with me to take Jewel to school" I asked which I got a small nod in return

"Can you promise me not to leave me again" he said leaning his body into mine "I promise" I responded

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