Chapter 4 :)

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“I did tell them, some things though.” “Okay, let’s see…My name is Violet, I’m 18. I’m the youngest Horan, but not the shortest, favourite colour is blue. And that’s about it.” “Are you single?” I stiffened from the question. It may seem like a harmless question, but to me, it brings up old memories.

I glanced down at Niall, to see if he felt me stiffen, but from the smile on his face, he didn’t. I turned back to Louis, to find him frowning. “Uh, yes I am. What about you guys?” “Yup, all single. But hopefully not for long.” Niall turned to me with a frown. “I thought you were going out with someone.” I sat down beside Niall. “Yeah that was before, but now I’m single and loving it.”

“What happened to him?” I sighed and looked away, just to find Greg standing in the doorway, looking at me. “Nothing, I just wanted to be single.” I turned away from Greg when he glared at the floor. “Greg can you come here for a minute please?!” I sighed in relief, stood up and smiled at the guys. “I’ll be back I just need to see something.” I dropped the smile, since it was fake and went in search of my older brother, Greg.

Harry’s POV

I turned to Louis. “Why would you ask if she’s single?” “Because you like her mate. I only did you a favour.” I shook my head and smiled. “Thanks Lou. That means a-” I was cut off by loud voices, and just not any voices, one belonged to Violet.

“I would not open your mouth to anyone Greg.” “I won’t by why don’t you just tell him?” “Because!” “Because why?” Niall got up to see what was going on, but Liam stopped him. “I know they’re your family, but I think we should leave them for now.” Niall looked at the ground but nodded his head.

“Because I don’t want everyone to know what happened!” “Oh now you’re going to keep it from Niall?” “No! It’s fucking embarrassing for me! If I could have to chance I would even let you know!” “But I’m the one that helped you!” “I KNOW THAT! FUCKING HELL! I just got to see our brother again! Let me half some time with him and his friends before you yell it out!!” “I would never yell it out!” We all heard a slap, causing us to get up, even Lou, who is the joker looked worried.

“You did in front of Mum!” “It slipped!” I followed Niall to the kitchen to see Greg and Violet standing toe to toe, glaring at each other. Then where did that-Oh, Greg turned to us, revealing his other cheek, which had a hand print on it.

“And how do I know it won’t slip this time?” “Because now it’s over.” Violet shook her head and turned to us, with tears running down her face.

Violet’s POV

“Sorry guys.” I wiped my cheeks and ran from the kitchen, only just to run into Zayn. I quickly took a step back and ran upstairs and into my bedroom. You must be wondering why I’m crying? Well a few weeks ago something happened to me, and Greg came to the rescue.

We went home, I told Greg not to tell anyone, we started to yell at each other, and before I could take a step, Greg shouted out what happened and it just so happened be the same time our Mum walked into the living room. So now Greg, my Dad and Mum all know what happened to me. That’s why I was at my Dad’s house.

I just don’t want Greg to yell it out while Niall or one of the other guys is around. “Vi?” I glanced up and saw Louis standing at my door. “Come in Louis, I don’t bite.” I sat up on my bed as Louis quietly closed the door. “I know it’s none of my business, but why did you stiffen up when I asked if you’re single or not?” I sighed and looked way from Louis. “Something happened with my ex, and I just didn’t know if I should tell Niall or not.” Well that sounds like a good excuse.

“What about when you were yelling at Greg?” I shook my head. “That I don’t think I can say. And Greg promised he wouldn’t yell it out…again.” “Would it be so bad for us to know?” I looked up at Louis and nodded my head. “I’m sorry Louis, but it is…Greg only knows because, well he saved me, our parents know because Greg shouted it out.”

“Violet! Louis! Dinner is ready!” Louis raised an eyebrow. “Well we don’t want to keep Niall waiting do we?” I smirked. “I do, because Mum won’t let anyone eat until everyone is sitting at the table.” Louis winked at me, got up and went to the door. Louis opened the door and took a big breath. “Sorry guys, but I’m taking a shower!”

I heard a groan. “No you’re bloody not Lou! I want to eat NOW!” “Niall!” “Sorry Mum.” I laughed, got up and pushed Louis down the stairs, but not too hard so he falls, just enough so he gets the hint.

“Thank god, now can we eat?” Mum laughed. “Yes Niall, now we can eat.” I stood at the entrance of the kitchen and laughed as everyone watched Niall place hamburger after hamburger on his plate. “Niall, leave some for everyone else.” “I am. They have plenty.” “Not if you keep going like that.” Niall looked up at me and stuck his tongue out.

“Real mature Niall.” Greg turned to me and mouthed ‘sorry’. I nodded my head and sat down in between Harry and Louis, with Niall in front of me, Zayn in front of Harry, Liam in front of Louis while Mum and Greg sat at the ends of the table.


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Annabelle :)

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