Chapter 13 :)

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“Violet.” “Zayn.” Zayn groaned and sat beside me. Okay, what is this boy going to do? Liam came in the living room with a glass of water. Where was Daddy Direction when I needed him?

“Violet, are you ticklish?” My eyes widened. He wouldn’t, would he? “No why?” Zayn slowly moved closer to me with an evil smirk on his face. “Are you sure?” I backed away from him, only to hit Louis in the chest. Oh great now I’m done for. “Now you have nowhere to go Miss Horan.” Louis circled his arms around my waist and held me still. “Now are you going to answer us or…” Zayn let his sentence hang in the air.

I shook my head and tried to get out of his hold. Did it work? Not a chance. I was too busy trying to get out of Lou’s arms to notice Zayn in front of me, with his hands on my sides. “Time’s up Horan.” I froze then as fast I froze I was wiggling. “No!” I tried to get Zayn’s arms off of me but it didn’t work seeing as it’s two against one. Not fair. “Guys! Pl-please!” “Please what?” I looked over to Liam and begged with my eyes for help.

“I’m sorry Violet, but I also want to know who you like.” “FINE!!” Zayn slowly stopped tickling me and smirked. “I knew you would see it our way.” “Yeah I wonder why.” I turned to Louis and raised an eyebrow. If anyone, I would tell Lou…wait a minute, Harry and Louis are really close so hold that thought; I might not tell Louis. Or any of the boys for that matter. They all seem really close.

“Yes, do you want something Miss Horan?” I shook my head and turned back to see Greg and Mum. “Guys, I think she’s had enough.” “Yes, thank you Greg.” “Anyway, you need to get up early tomorrow. Melinda called and said you have to be in before noon.” My mouth fell open. But I told her I was having a few days off.

"But I told her I was having a few days off. I can’t go in. My brother is finally back…” I left the sentence hang as I saw the uncomfortable looks the boys shared. “Okay what is going on?"

“Nothing, we just don’t want you to stop whatever you work for, just because we’re here.” “I don’t care, you guys are here, and I don’t know or how long, so I’m staying home, they can go on without me. Anyway, tomorrow is your birthday.” “But Vi-” “No Nialler, tomorrow is your day, so I’m having it off. Now I’m going to have a shower and go to bed. Good night everyone.”

Harry’s POV

I frowned as I watched Violet run up the stairs. Okay, I wonder what all that was about? “Is anyone else confused, or is it just me?” “No Nialler, I think everyone is confused.” “Guys just don’t ask about anything. Violet well let’s just say she’s going through a tough time.” “Can we help her Mum?” “Yes. You all can just be there for her.”

“I’ll be there for her whenever I have to.” Louis turned to me with a smirk. “What?” “What did you just say?” My eyes widened. He heard me? But I said that under my breath. How the hell did he hear me? “I said nothing.” “I’m going up to check on Violetbear. I’ll be back down guys.” Lou winked at me, got up and ran up the stairs yelling for Violet. “I will never know what goes through that head of his.” “Me either Zayn.”

“Guys, I think we all wouldn’t.” I chuckled, got up and sat on the couch beside Zayn. “I am so tired.” I covered my eyes with my forearm and sighed. “Go to bed then mate.” I shook my head. “I’ll be fine, let’s watch a few movies.” At that very moment I heard someone’s heavy footstep’s so I lifted my arm to see Lou come down the stairs with a huge smirk on his face. “Violet is now tucked into bed.”

“Are you alright mate?” “Why yes Liam, I am.” Then why is he smirking like that? It’s starting to creep me out, and from the looks of the other lads, they too shared what I was feeling. I wonder what happened for him to have the smirk. He went up with no smirk then came back down in fifteen minutes later with a huge smirk on his face. “Then can you please tell us why you’re smirking?” “I’m sorry but I can’t.” Lou glanced at me then Niall and it looked like his smirk got bigger.

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