Chapter 14 :)

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I groaned. Thanks guys, remind to thank you all later IF I’m not in trouble from Niall. “You have to stay with me.” I rolled my eyes and nodded my head. “Yes Father.”

“Please Vi; I don’t want anything to happen to you.” “Nothing will happen to me Niall, I know the club very well.” Well since my friends and I go there all the time. “How?” I turned to Zayn and smirked. “Because I own it.” I waited and grinned when all their eyes widened from shock. “She has an awesome job.” “No she doesn’t. I go there sometimes and she isn’t even there.” Damn, just when they believed me, Greg had to go and ruin it for me.

“Fine I don’t own it, but my friend is the owner’s girlfriend, so I kind of know the place…Wait, why am I talking to you guys about it when we can just go there?” “I actually don’t know, but let’s go Horan, it’s your birthday now.” “STOP!” I ran into Louis’ back as I didn’t stop fast enough. “Shit!” I rubbed my nose and glared at his back. “How are we getting there?” OMFG! Can my brother get any blonder? Can he not see the black Limo parked in front of the house?

“Nialler mate, turn around and look for yourself.” Niall did as Zayn said and smiled. “Oh, I didn’t see that there.” “Obviously.” “How did you get that here?” “I called someone and told them. Now come on everyone is waiting for you.” And as if on cue, my phone vibrated, indicating a new text message.

*Hurry up Violet! Drag Niall by his ear NOW! – Emily*

We all got into the Limo and made our way to the club.

~~~~~30 minutes later~~~~~

“We’re here guys.” I looked out of the window and saw the neon light. Man I love this place. “What is this place?” This time I actually face palmed myself. Can he not see the bright neon sign? “It’s a club called ‘Rave’. It says it right there.” I pointed to the name as I got out of the Limo. Now let the fun begin!

“Come on then!” I got pushed out of the way as Louis and Zayn jumped out of the Limo and ran inside. “Invitation please.” I stood next to the open Limo door and waited for the other 3 lads to hurry up. “We’re here with Niall and Violet Horan.” “Yeah and I’m her boyfriend.” I laughed and watched it all unfold. “What are you laughing at?”

I pointed to Lou and Zayn trying to get in the club but couldn’t. “Do you know who we are-” “We’re from One Direction, Louis Tomlinson and Zayn Malik.” Zayn, just give up now, he will not budge. “And I’m Justin Bieber. Now please leave.” Zayn turned while pulling Lou with him. “Come on mate.” I raised an eyebrow when they stopped in front of me. “How the fuck do we get in?” “Invitation.” “Uh, we don’t have one.” “Yes you do. You all do. Follow me lads.”

I walked up to the bouncer and smiled. “Miss Horan, how are you today?” “I’m good Dylan, how are you?” “I’m fine thank you. So I guess these lads are here with you?” I nodded my head. “Yup. The blonde one is my brother, and the rest are his band mates.” “Wait, so they-” Dylan pointed to Zayn and Lou. “-Were telling the truth?” “Yup.” “Sorry guys, but I get tod that every day.”

“That’s fine mate.” “Enjoy the par-club.” I chuckled and grabbed Lou’s hand as he was about to run into the club. “Wait Lou, let Niall go in first.” Lou smirked but nodded his head. “Come on Nialler, I want to partay!” I hope I won’t be the only sober one tonight.

“SURPRISE!!!!!” Niall and Harry jumped from the sudden noise and hugged each other. I couldn’t let this moment go to waste. I grabbed my phone and took a photo of them and put in on Twitter.

@Lovable_Violet_Rose: Hey guys! Look at Narry! Aren’t they just so cute :) xx

“Happy birthday mate.” Niall and Harry quickly moved away from each other and turned to the crowd. “Thanks. When did you all get here?” “Not long ago…wait make that a few hours ago.” “Okay, who told you all to come here?” Everyone pointed to me. “Uh, hi?” “Thank you Vi!” I stumbled back into Zayn as Niall ran and hugged me. “You’re welcome.” “How did you get everyone here in such short notice?”

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