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warning : this story has a sad ending (no death or anything terrible like that) so if you don't like sad endings then skip to the next one :)

word count: 1236

this story is inspired by an edit lexi showed me on insta (it's by riversvixens if you want to check it out haha) aND IT JUST GIVES ME BYLER DEPRESSION SO HERE IS A ONESHOT BASED ON THAT

it was the night of the snowball. the day the whole group was looking forward for. especially ever since el came back and lucas and max started "hanging out." once they all arrived, they greeted each other and said their hellos. the group started talking, laughing and having the best night of their lives. especially will since his crush, mike wheeler, was single. (el and mike thought that el should figure things out before rushing into a relationship)

the night was amazing. the group talked and danced like they never did before. and like usual, will would sometimes stare at mike to admire his beauty. okay, "sometimes" is an understatement. it's more like always. but anyways, he wondered how every freckle was perfectly dotted on his face and how his messy hair always looked flawless in will's perspective. now that puberty hit mike, he didn't have his chubby baby cheeks anymore. they were replaced with beautiful cheekbones and oh my god, a perfect jawline. it was as sharp as a blade and could probably cut someone if they got too close. will always wanted to touch and kiss it, even if he did have a chance of getting cut.

sometimes dustin caught will staring at mike with heart eyes but will was too stuck in the quick sand of admiration to notice. dustin has always been on to will about having a crush on mike but never really mentioned it. especially since will didn't even realize his suspicions.

but that didn't matter. all of them had an amazing time. el even brought eggos for the group but no one wanted any. okay, the truth is, they'll get their whole body broken in half if they stepped anywhere near her eggos. (me when someone insults stranger things) but the party didn't really mind. they all knew it was her favorite.

after lots of chatter and many upbeat songs played, a slow song finally came on. people started grouping up into pairs to dance. max grabbed lucas's wrist and dragged him to where the other couples were and they started swaying back and forth steadily to the beat, looking into each other's eyes with love. el knew that she didn't have anyone to dance with so she sat down and continued to devour more eggos. (lmao me)

will turned towards the table that el sat at and was about to join her until a hand touched his shoulder which caused him to turn around.
"hey, do you want to dance?" will heard the familiar voice. his eyes started aiming up at the voice's face to see that the voice belonged to the love of his life, mike. the feeling of shock hit will like a truck. (like how puberty hit finn lol) he was being asked to dance, by the actual michael wheeler. the one he had a crush on for about a year now.
"oh um uh y-yeah s-sure" will stuttered nervously with a red face. (b-b-bill who?? i only know will byers) he internally face palmed himself.
"great!" mike replied, smiling. as he took the shorter boy's hand, will's cheeks started burning even more than it did. oh my god, will thought, he's holding my hand, hES HOLDING MY HAND. mike noticed the shorter boy's red face but found it really cute, like always.

he dragged the flustered boy near some other people who were dancing in pairs too. some people nearby saw them together and just stared, not in disgust, not with hatred, more like shock and confusion. but mike brushed it off as he lead will through the crowd and finally found a space. mike took the small hand he was holding and put it in his shoulder, then the other hand on his other shoulder. will started to go stiff once he noticed his crush starting to put his hands on his waist. the taller boy noticed and smiled, at the same time, pulling will closer to him. at this point the smaller boy's nerves were going crazy and he was so flustered but he finally relaxed and intertwined his fingers behind mike's neck.

time after time started playing, a classic. so many couples were swaying to the beat. will was still a blushing and flustered mess but he was kind of getting used to dancing with mike, besides the fact he could barely keep eye contact without blushing. again, mike found it adorable and soft and didn't mind. he always loved will, no matter what, he found him cute. to lighten the mood, mike started lip syncing the words to the song which caused will to giggle. it was music to the taller boy's ears to just hear his angelic giggles. wow, mike thought, this is what heaven feels like.

finally the last song of the night played, every breathe you take. if you were to run a snowball, you have to end it with every breathe you take. it was another classic! will and mike were still dancing. now they were practically close enough to hear each other's heartbeats. but nothing major has really happened besides them swaying back and forth like everyone else so mike decided to do something really risky. he noticed will staring at this lips the whole night so he probably wanted to do the same ("probably" OKAY THEN) as will stared at mike, he slowly leaned in. the smaller boy was shocked but ready. will swore he felt mike's soft lips on his own and he was ready to kiss back. this was the moment he dreamed (and still dreamed) about a year ago. them going to the snowball together and mike taking will's first kiss. it was going to happen. his dream was about to come true when . . . . . .

will shot up from his bed. sweat forming on his pale skin and forehead. he starts panting, eventually crying and feeling pain. will has been in and out of the upside down and practically possessed but he never felt so much pain before. the worst part is that it all felt so real. like it actually was going to actually happen. he even felt the soft lips he wanted to kiss brush against his. all of the happiness from the dream escaped his body through the form of tears. it was being sucked out of him like the mind flayer 2 months ago, but this time, it felt worse. his crying took a quick turn and now he's sobbing. the love of his life asked him to dance and almost kissed him. but sadly, it was only a dream . . . and it will only ever be a dream.

a/n : omg iM SO EMO AJFAKSFJIW AHHH! the next one is going to be a really cute one. I promise ;) (also I know i didn't write about dustin and nancy in this. it was because it would be a super long oneshot and i'm too lazy to write it all but you can always imagine it)

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