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no warnings :)

word count : 707

it was that usual time of the night where will would randomly wake up and lay there, not able to fall back to sleep. will constantly tossed and turned, trying to go back to sleep but he couldn't. this happened ever since will came back from the upside down. it used to occur only once a week, that soon became twice, and eventually to everyday. he didn't feel like himself anymore and people started to notice, will could see their worry. but he couldn't tell them. so he didn't, well, except for his best friend (and crush wink wonk) mike wheeler, who knew everything about will. mike was the only one will could trust, and he was the only one that didn't treat him like a fragile glass vase where if they weren't careful enough, he could break.

will was stuck in his own thoughts, thinking about trying to fall back asleep and mike (hehe), until he heard something like pebbles being thrown against his window. he sat up in his bed with curiosity but he let the thought go. until he heard a faint knock on the window. this startled him and his heart started beating a million miles per hour. the boy took the blanket off of his body and made his way towards the noise, reaching out to the curtain. when his pale fingers got a grip on the curtain, he pulled it towards his left to reveal a boy, a familiar one. mike wheeler. he scared will but all of the anxiety left his body through an exhale while he opened the window for the boy to climb in.

"what the hell mike? you scared me asshole," will whisper-yelled, making sure his mom or brother couldn't hear.

"well, hello to you too will," mike joked.

"what are you doing here? it's the middle of the night! aren't you supposed to be asleep?" will questioned.

"well since you told me that you couldn't sleep at night today, i figured to come over so i can help and visit my favorite boy," mike said as he ruffled will's bowlcut. the shorter boy blushed at the sudden contact and mike saw, but thought it was adorable.

"so, what do you want do?"

"sleep," will laughed, "but i can't."

"well, we could watch a movie in your living room until you fall asleep," mike suggested.

"sure!" will got excited. and from there, the two boys gathered up as many blankets and snacks as they could find and settled on the couch. while mike was still in the kitchen making popcorn, will wrapped himself in multiple blankets to preserve heat. he switched through the different channels and finally decided on a movie (lol idk what movie to put so just insert the movie of your choice). mike came back with a bowl of freshly made buttered popcorn and sat down next to will.

aww he looks so cute wrapped up in all of those blankets, mike thought while he smiled. but honestly, mike always thought will was cute. will wasn't the only one to have a crush. mike did too. he had one on will. ever since eleven disappeared and he realized that she will never come back. he lost all hope in her and he began to forget about his little crush but it led him discover that he had a crush on will all along, it was just covered by the one he had on her.

<little time skip>

during the middle of the movie will finally got tired and leaned onto mike's side which made him really happy (1, because his crush leaned against him and 2, will was finally getting sleep). his heart was bursting and his face became a light shade of pink. mike moved will's hair out of the way and kissed his forehead, oblivious to the fact that will wasn't fully asleep and noticed. now it was will's turn to have his heart burst and his face red.

a/n : omg we're so sorry for not updating in so long!! i just lost inspiration for a while but i'm back at it and finished this oneshot i worked on before we had a little hiatus ahaha

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2018 ⏰

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